Frontend Developer & Technical Writer
Floats and doubles represent floating-point numbers - numbers with decimal points. While this type is very useful for a wide variety of environments, depending on what they're used for, we sometimes want to round them to a whole number - closest whole integer, up or down. In this article, we...
Joel Olawanle
As you aim to become a better JavaScript developer, it is expedient you understand some tricks and methods in JavaScript to save you from unnecessary hard-to-decode bugs in the future. Whenever users input string values through form fields, it is a good practice for you to remove the white spaces...
Programming has always included the definition of data, manipulation of data, and finally displaying data. Data can be represented as bits of information that we can alter in computer programs. Since memory locations aren't very human-readable, and change through time - we've started annotating variable data, with human-readable signifiers, which...
When writing JavaScript code, you may need to loop through JavaScript objects and enumerate their fields/values. Unfortunately, JavaScript objects are not iterable like arrays or strings, so we can't just loop an object using map(), forEach() or a for…of loop. Suppose we have an object which contains a...
Textual data is typically stored through sequences of characters - strings. These sequences, are ultimately, arrays, and converting between the two structures typically is both simple and intuitive. Whether you're breaking a word down into its characters, or a sentence into words - splitting a string into an array isn't...
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