Concurrency in Java: The volatile Keyword


Multi-threading is a common cause of headaches for programmers. Since humans are naturally not used to this kind of "parallel" thinking, designing a multithreaded program becomes much less straight-forward than writing software with a single thread of execution.

In this article, we will take a look at some common multithreading problems which we can overcome using the volatile keyword.

We'll also take a look at some more complex problems where volatile is not enough to fix the situation, which means that upgrades to other safety mechanisms are necessary.

Variable Visibility

There is a common problem with visibility of variables in multithreaded environments. Let's assume that we have a shared variable (or object) that is being accessed by two different threads (each thread on its own processor).

If one thread updates the variable/object, we cannot know for sure when exactly this change will be visible to the other thread. The reason why this happens is because of CPU caching.

Each thread that uses the variable makes a local copy (i.e. cache) of its value on the CPU itself. This allows for reading and writing operations to be more efficient since the updated value doesn't need to "travel" all the way to the main memory, but can instead be temporarily stored in a local cache:

CPU caching in Java
Image credit: Jenkov Tutorials

If Thread 1 updates the variable, it updates it in the cache and Thread 2 still has the outdated copy in its cache. Thread 2's operation might depend on the result of Thread 1, so working on the outdated value will produce a completely different result.

Finally, when they'd like to commit the changes to the main memory, the values are completely different, and one overrides the other.

In a multi-threaded environment, this can be a costly problem because it can lead to some serious inconsistent behavior. You wouldn't be able to rely on the results and your system would have to have expensive checks to try and get the updated value - possibly without a guarantee.

In short, your application would break.

The volatile Keyword

The volatile keyword marks a variable as, well, volatile. By doing so, the JVM guarantees that each write operation's result isn't written in the local memory but rather in the main memory.

This means that any thread in the environment can access the shared variable with the newest, up-to-date value without any worry.

A similar, but not identical behavior, can be achieved with the synchronized keyword.


Let's take a look at some examples of the volatile keyword in use.

Simple Shared Variable

In the code example below, we can see a class representing a charging station for rocket fuel which can be shared by several spaceships. Rocket fuel represents a shared resource/variable (something that can be changed from the "outside") while spaceships represent threads (things that change the variable).

Let's now go ahead and define a RocketFuelStation. Each Spaceship will have a RocketFuelStation as a field, since they're assigned to it and, as expected, the fuelAmount is static. If a spaceship takes some fuel from the station, it should be reflected in the instance belonging to another object as well:

public class RocketFuelStation {
    // The amount of rocket fuel, in liters
    private static int fuelAmount;

    public void refillShip(Spaceship ship, int amount) {
        if (amount <= fuelAmount) {
            this.fuelAmount -= amount;
        } else {
            System.out.println("Not enough fuel in the tank!");
    // Constructor, Getters and Setters

If the amount we wish to pour in a ship is higher than the fuelAmount left in the tank, we notify the user that it's not quite possible to refill that much. If not, we happily refill the ship and reduce the amount left in the tank.

Now, since each Spaceship will run on a different Thread, we'll have to extend the class:

public class Spaceship extends Thread {

    private int fuel;
    private RocketFuelStation rfs;

    public Spaceship(RocketFuelStation rfs) {
        this.rfs = rfs;

    public void refill(int amount) {
        fuel += amount;

    // Getters and Setters

    public void run() {
        rfs.refillShip(this, 50);

There are a couple of things to note here:

  • The RocketFuelStation is passed to the constructor, this is a shared object.
  • The Spaceship class extends Thread, which means we've got to implement the run() method.
  • Once we instantiate the Spaceship class and call start(), the run() method will also be executed.

What this means is that once we create a spaceship and start it, it'll refuel from the shared RocketFuelStation with 50 liters of fuel.

And finally, let's run this code to test it out:

RocketFuelStation rfs = new RocketFuelStation(100);
Spaceship ship = new Spaceship(rfs);
Spaceship ship2 = new Spaceship(rfs);



System.out.println("Ship 1 fueled up and now has: " + ship.getFuel() + "l of fuel");
System.out.println("Ship 2 fueled up and now has: " + ship2.getFuel() + "l of fuel");

System.out.println("Rocket Fuel Station has " + rfs.getFuelAmount() + "l of fuel left in the end.");

Since we can't guarantee which thread will run first in Java, the System.out.println() statements are located after running the join() methods on the threads. The join() method waits for the thread to die, so we know that we print out the results after the threads actually finish. Otherwise, we can run into unexpected behavior. Not always, but it's a possibility.

A new RocketFuelStation() is made with 100 liters of fuel. Once we start both of the ships, both should have 50 liters of fuel and the station should have 0 liters of fuel left.

Let's see what happens when we run the code:

Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 0l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 50l of fuel left
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left in the end.

That's not right. Let's run the code again:

Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 0l of fuel
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 0l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 50l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 100l of fuel left in the end.

Now both are empty, including the fuel station. Let's try that again:

Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 50l of fuel left
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left in the end.

Now both have 50 liters, and the station is empty. But this is due to pure luck.

Let's go ahead and update the RocketFuelStation class:

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public class RocketFuelStation {
        // The amount of rocket fuel, in liters
        private static volatile int fuelAmount;

        // ...

The only thing we change is to tell the JVM that the fuelAmount is volatile and that it should skip the step of saving the value in cache and commit it straight to the main memory.

We'll also change the Spaceship class:

public class Spaceship extends Thread {
    private volatile int fuel;

    // ...

Since the fuel can also be cached and improperly updated.

When we run the previous code now, we get:

Rocket Fuel Station has 50l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left in the end.

Perfect! Both ships have 50 liters of fuel and the station is empty. Let's try that again to verify:

Rocket Fuel Station has 50l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left in the end.

And again:

Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left
Ship 1 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Ship 2 fueled up and now has: 50l of fuel
Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left in the end.

If we encounter a situation like this, where the starting statement is "Rocket Fuel Station has 0l of fuel left" - the second thread has gotten to the fuelAmount -= amount line before the first thread got to the System.out.println() line in this if statement:

if (amount <= fuelAmount) {
    fuelAmount -= amount;
    System.out.println("Rocket Fuel Station has " + fuelAmount + "l of fuel left");

While it seemingly produces a wrong output - this is unavoidable when we work in parallel with this implementation. This happens due to the lack of Mutual Exclusion when using the volatile keyword. More on that in Insufficiency of Volatile.

What's important is that the end result - 50 liters of fuel in each spaceship and 0 liters of fuel in the station.

Happens-Before Guarantee

Let's now assume that our charging station is a bit larger and that it has two fuel dispensers instead of one. We'll cleverly call the amounts of fuel in these two tanks fuelAmount1 and fuelAmount2.

Let's also assume that spaceships now fill two types of fuel instead of one (namely, some spaceships have two different engines which run on two different types of fuel):

public class RocketFuelStation {
    private static int fuelAmount1;
    private static volatile int fuelAmount2;

    public void refillFuel1(Spaceship ship, int amount) {
        // Perform checks...
        this.fuelAmount1 -= amount;

    public void refillFuel2(Spaceship ship, int amount) {
        // Perform checks...
        this.fuelAmount2 -= amount;

    // Constructor, Getters and Setters

If the first spaceship now decides to refill both types of fuel, it can do so like this:

station.refillFuel1(spaceship1, 41);
station.refillFuel2(spaceship1, 42);

The fuel variables will then internally be updated as:

fuelAmount1 -= 41; // Non-volatile write
fuelAmount2 -= 42; // Volatile write

In this case, even though only fuelAmount2 is volatile, fuelAmount1 will be written to the main memory too, right after the volatile write. Thus, both variables will immediately be visible to the second spaceship.

The Happens-Before Guarantee will make sure that all updated variables (including non-volatile ones) will get written to the main memory along with the volatile variables.

It's worth noting, however, that this kind of behavior occurs only if the non-volatile variables are updated before the volatile ones. If the situation is reversed, then no guarantees are made.

Insufficiency of Volatile

So far we've mentioned some ways in which volatile can be very helpful. Let's now see a situation in which it isn't enough.

Mutual Exclusion

There is one very important concept in multithreaded programming called Mutual Exclusion. The presence of Mutual Exclusion guarantees that a shared variable/object can only be accessed by one thread at a time. The first one to access it locks it and until it's done with the execution and unlocks it - other threads have to wait.

By doing so, we avoid a race condition between multiple threads, which can cause the variable to become corrupt. This is one way to solve the issue with multiple threads trying to access a variable.

Let's illustrate this problem with a concrete example to see why race conditions are undesirable:

Imagine that two threads are sharing a counter. Thread A reads the counter's current value (41), adds 1, and then writes the new value (42) back to the main memory. In the meantime (i.e. while Thread A is adding 1 to the counter), Thread B does the same thing: reads the (old) value from the counter, adds 1, and then writes this back to the main memory.

Since both threads read the same initial value (41), the final counter value will be 42 instead of 43.

In cases like this, using volatile is not enough because it doesn't ensure Mutual Exclusion. This is exactly the case highlighted above - when both threads reach the fuelAmount -= amount statement before the first thread reaches the System.out.println() statement.

Instead, the synchronized keyword can be used here because it ensures both visibility and mutual exclusion, unlike volatile which ensures only visibility.

Why not use synchronized always then?

Due to performance-impact, don't overdo it. If you need both, use synchronized. If you need only visibility, use volatile.

Race conditions occur in situations in which two or more threads both read and write to a shared variable whose new value depends on the old value.

In case threads never need to read the variable's old value to determine the new one, this problem doesn't occur because there is no short amount of time in which the race condition could happen.


volatile is a Java keyword used to ensure the visibility of variables in multithreaded environments. As we've seen in the last section, it isn't a perfect thread-safety mechanism, but it wasn't meant to be.

volatile can be seen as a lighter version of synchronized as it doesn't ensure mutual exclusion so it shouldn't be used as its replacement.

However, since it offers less protection than synchronized, volatile also causes less overhead so it can be used more liberally.

In the end, it comes down to the exact situation which needs to be handled. If performance is not an issue, then having a fully thread-safe program with everything synchronized doesn't hurt. But if the application needs fast response times and low overhead, then it's necessary to take some time and define critical parts of the program which need to be extra-safe and those that don't require such strict measures.

Last Updated: September 7th, 2023
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