Designing Your Own Networks?
Throughout the lesson - we've gone on an adventure of ideas. In many cases, new architectures build on old ones. If you strip away the intricacies and look through a blurred lens - LeNet5 set a baseline. AlexNet was a beefed-up LeNet5. VGGNet was a deeper AlexNet. ResNet utilized a concept already known at the time, skip connections, in a different way. Xception took an existing hypothesis and took it to the extreme. DenseNet is conceptually a dense ResNet. This isn't to devalue the work or improvements of any of these. It is to note that when many people work on stuff, stuff gets better. Fresh perspectives always help and it's not something reserved for the intellectual elite. You can probably help and improve something that already exists. It's not super hard to find small optimization opportunities. For instance, it was fairly clear that the strided 1x1 convolutions in ResNets skip over much of the input, and fixing this wasn't very hard. Several small optimizations later - you have something better than anything before.
Don't beat yourself into thinking that designing architectures is only for people with doctorates and an academic background. You can help make a difference.
Even so, designing networks takes time - most won't want to invest it. With a rapid evolution of networks, as an engineer, you can realistically sit on the sidelines and wait for new architectures to pop up and use them in your own projects without really even reading much into them - as long as they provide more value to you than the previous one.