EfficientNet - Machines Do (Part Of) It Again (2019)

David Landup
David Landup

Other than NASNet so far, most networks we've discussed follow a similar designing process. Some common block is made to be more efficient, and the network is scaled up. Scaling is typically done in depth or width. In 2019, Mingxing Tan, who worked on searching for MobileNetV3 and MNASNet paired up with Quoc V. Le to release "EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks". They note that scaling doesn't have to be one-dimensional, and that uniformly scaling depth, width and resolution can be done with a compound coefficient. This coefficient has been applied to ResNets and MobileNet as proof of concept, but more notably, the same coefficient is used to scale up a baseline network created by NAS. The scaled-up version of this baseline network resulted in a family of models known as EfficientNets - spanning from EfficientNetB0 to EfficientNetB7. EfficientNetB7 is the largest network of the family, and was 8.4x smaller and 6.1x faster than the second best network (in terms of accuracy) at the time. It's worth noting that larger EfficientNets aren't really meant to be trained on home setups and require a lot of VRAM. However, EfficientNetB0 is a decently sized model, sitting at 5.3M parameters, with a fairly fast inference time (about double that of MobileNet, which is already quite fast) and with a great training time, while being only a few dozen megabytes in size!

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