Guide to MapStruct in Java - Advanced Mapping Library


As microservices and distributed applications quickly take over the development world - data integrity and security are more important than ever. A secure communication channel and limited data transfer between these loosely coupled systems are paramount. Most of the time, the end-user or service doesn't need to access the entirety of the data from a model, but only some specific parts.

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) are regularly applied in these applications. DTOs are just objects that hold the requested information of another object. Typically, the information is limited in scope. Since DTOs are a reflection of the original objects - mappers between these classes play a key role in the conversion process.

In this article, we'll be diving into MapStruct - an extensive mapper for Java Beans.


MapStruct is an open-source Java-based code generator which creates code for mapping implementations.

It uses annotation-processing to generate mapper class implementations during compilation and greatly reduces the amount of boilerplate code which would regularly be written by hand.

MapStruct Dependencies

If you're using Maven, install MapStruct by adding the dependency:


This dependency will import the core MapStruct annotations. Since MapStruct works on compile-time and is attached to builders like Maven and Gradle, we'll also have to add a plugin to the <build>:


If you're using Gradle, installing MapStruct is as simple as:

plugins {
    id 'net.ltgt.apt' version '0.20'

apply plugin: 'net.ltgt.apt-idea'
apply plugin: 'net.ltgt.apt-eclipse'

dependencies {
    compile "org.mapstruct:mapstruct:${mapstructVersion}"
    annotationProcessor "org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:${mapstructVersion}"

The net.ltgt.apt plugin is responsible for the annotation processing. You can apply the apt-idea and apt-eclipse plugins depending on your IDE.

You can check out the latest version at Maven Central.

Basic Mappings

Let's start off with some basic mapping. We'll have a Doctor model and a DoctorDto. Their fields will have the same names for our convenience:

public class Doctor {
    private int id;
    private String name;


public class DoctorDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;

Now, to make a mapper between these two, we'll create a DoctorMapper interface. By annotating it with @Mapper, MapStruct knows that this is a mapper between our two classes:

public interface DoctorMapper {
    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor);

We have an INSTANCE of DoctorMapper type. This will be our "entry-point" to the instance once we generate the implementation.

We've defined a toDto() method in the interface, which accepts a Doctor instance and returns a DoctorDto instance. This is enough for MapStruct to know that we'd like to map a Doctor instance to a DoctorDto instance.

When we build/compile the application, the MapStruct annotation processor plugin will pick up the DoctorMapper interface and generate an implementation for it:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {
    public DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) {
        if ( doctor == null ) {
            return null;
        DoctorDtoBuilder doctorDto = DoctorDto.builder();;;


The DoctorMapperImpl class now contains a toDto() method which maps our Doctor fields to the DoctorDto fields.

Now, to map a Doctor instance to a DoctorDto instance, we'd do:

DoctorDto doctorDto = DoctorMapper.INSTANCE.toDto(doctor);

Note: You might've noticed a DoctorDtoBuilder in the implementation above. We've omitted the implementation for brevity, since builders tend to be long. MapStruct will attempt to use your builder if it's present in the class. If not, it'll just instantiate it via the new keyword.

If you'd like to read more about the Builder Design Pattern in Java, we've got you covered!

Mappings Different Source and Target Fields

Oftentimes, a model and a DTO won't have the same field names. There can be slight variations due to team members assigning their own renditions, and how you'd like to pack the info for the service that called for the DTO.

MapStruct provides support to handle these situations via the @Mapping annotation.

Different Property Names

Let's update the Doctor class to include a specialty:

public class Doctor {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String specialty;

And for the DoctorDto, let's add a specialization field:

public class DoctorDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String specialization;

Now, we'll have to let our DoctorMapper know of this discrepancy. We'll do so by setting the source and target flags of the @Mapping annotation with both of these variants:

public interface DoctorMapper {
    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor);

The specialty field of the Doctor class corresponds to the specialization field of the DoctorDto class.

After compiling the code, the annotation processor has generated this implementation:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {
    public DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) {
        if (doctor == null) {
            return null;

        DoctorDtoBuilder doctorDto = DoctorDto.builder();



Multiple Source Classes

Sometimes, a single class isn't enough to build a DTO. Sometimes, we want to aggregate values from multiple classes into a single DTO for the end user. This is also done by setting the appropriate flags in the @Mapping annotation:

Let's create another model Education:

public class Education {
    private String degreeName;
    private String institute;
    private Integer yearOfPassing;

And add a new field in DoctorDto:

public class DoctorDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String degree;
    private String specialization;

Now, let's update the DoctorMapper interface:

public interface DoctorMapper {
    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    @Mapping(source = "education.degreeName", target = "degree")
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor, Education education);

We've added another @Mapping annotation in which we've set the source as the degreeName of the Education class, and the target as the degree field of the DoctorDto class.

If the Education and Doctor classes contain fields with the same name - we'll have to let the mapper know which one to use or it'll throw an exception. If both models contain an id, we'll have to choose which id will be mapped to the DTO property.

Mapping Child Entities

In most cases, POJO's don't contain just primitive data types. In most cases, they'll contain other classes. For example, a Doctor will have 1..n patients:

public class Patient {
    private int id;
    private String name;

And let's make a List of them for the Doctor:

public class Doctor {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String specialty;
    private List<Patient> patientList;

Since Patient data will be transferred, we'll create a DTO for it too:

public class PatientDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;

And finally, let's update the DoctorDto with a List of the newly created PatientDto:

public class DoctorDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String degree;
    private String specialization;
    private List<PatientDto> patientDtoList;

Before we change anything in the DoctorMapper, we'll have to make a mapper that converts between the Patient and PatientDto classes:

public interface PatientMapper {
    PatientMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(PatientMapper.class);
    PatientDto toDto(Patient patient);

It's a basic mapper that just maps a couple of primitive data types.

Now, let's update our DoctorMapper to include the doctor's patients:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class})
public interface DoctorMapper {

    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "doctor.patientList", target = "patientDtoList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor);

Since we're working with another class that requires mapping, we've set the uses flag of the @Mapper annotation. This @Mapper uses another @Mapper. You can put as many classes/mappers here as you'd like - we only have one.

Because we've added this flag, when generating the mapper implementation for the DoctorMapper interface, MapStruct will also convert the Patient model into a PatientDto - since we've registered the PatientMapper for this task.

Now, compiling the application will result in a new implementation:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {
    private final PatientMapper patientMapper = Mappers.getMapper( PatientMapper.class );

    public DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) {
        if ( doctor == null ) {
            return null;

        DoctorDtoBuilder doctorDto = DoctorDto.builder();

        doctorDto.patientDtoList( patientListToPatientDtoList(doctor.getPatientList()));
        doctorDto.specialization( doctor.getSpecialty() ); doctor.getId() ); doctor.getName() );

    protected List<PatientDto> patientListToPatientDtoList(List<Patient> list) {
        if ( list == null ) {
            return null;

        List<PatientDto> list1 = new ArrayList<PatientDto>( list.size() );
        for ( Patient patient : list ) {
            list1.add( patientMapper.toDto( patient ) );

        return list1;

Evidently, a new mapper - patientListToPatientDtoList() has been added, besides the toDto() mapper. This is done without explicit definition, simply because we've added the PatientMapper to the DoctorMapper.

The method iterates over a list of Patient models, converts them to PatientDtos and adds them to a list contained within a DoctorDto object.

Updating Existing Instances

Sometimes, we'd wish to update a model with the latest values from a DTO. Using the @MappingTarget annotation on the target object (Doctor in our case), we can update existing instances.

Let's add a new @Mapping to our DoctorMapper which accepts Doctor and DoctorDto instances. The DoctorDto instance will be the data source, while the Doctor will be the target:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class})
public interface DoctorMapper {

    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.patientDtoList", target = "patientList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.specialization", target = "specialty")
    void updateModel(DoctorDto doctorDto, @MappingTarget Doctor doctor);

Now, after generating the implementation again, we've got the updateModel() method:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {

    public void updateModel(DoctorDto doctorDto, Doctor doctor) {
        if (doctorDto == null) {

        if (doctor.getPatientList() != null) {
            List<Patient> list = patientDtoListToPatientList(doctorDto.getPatientDtoList());
            if (list != null) {
            else {
        else {
            List<Patient> list = patientDtoListToPatientList(doctorDto.getPatientDtoList());
            if (list != null) {

What's worth noting is that the patient list is also getting updated, since it's a child entity of the module.

Dependency Injection

So far, we've been accessing the generated mappers via the getMapper() method:

DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

However, if you're using Spring, you can update your mapper configuration and inject it like a regular dependency.

Let's update our DoctorMapper to work with Spring:

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface DoctorMapper {}

Adding (componentModel = "spring") in the @Mapper annotation tells MapStruct that when generating the mapper implementation class, we'd like it to be created with the dependency injection support via Spring. Now, there's no need to add the INSTANCE field to the interface.

The generated DoctorMapperImpl will now have the @Component annotation:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {}

Once marked as a @Component, Spring can pick it up as a bean and you're free to @Autowire it in another class such as a controller:

public class DoctorController() {
    private DoctorMapper doctorMapper;

If you're not using Spring, MapStruct has support for Java CDI as well:

@Mapper(componentModel = "cdi")
public interface DoctorMapper {}

Mapping Enums

Mapping Enums works in the same way as mapping fields does. MapStruct will map the ones with the same names without a problem. Though, for Enums with different names, we'll be using the @ValueMapping annotation. Again, this is similar to the @Mapping annotation with regular types.

Let's create two Enums, the first one being PaymentType:

public enum PaymentType {

This are, say, the available options for payment in an application. And now, let's have a more general, limited view of those options:

public enum PaymentTypeView {

Now, let's make a mapper interface between these two enums:

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public interface PaymentTypeMapper {

    PaymentTypeMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(PaymentTypeMapper.class);

            @ValueMapping(source = "CARD_VISA", target = "CARD"),
            @ValueMapping(source = "CARD_MASTER", target = "CARD"),
            @ValueMapping(source = "CARD_CREDIT", target = "CARD")
    PaymentTypeView paymentTypeToPaymentTypeView(PaymentType paymentType);

Here, we've got a general CARD value, and more specific CARD_VISA, CARD_MASTER and CARD_CREDIT values. There's a mismatch with the number of values - PaymentType has 6 values, whereas PaymentTypeView only has 3.

To bridge between these, we can use the @ValueMappings annotation, which accepts multiple @ValueMapping annotations. Here, we can set the source to be any of the three specific cases, and the target as the CARD value.

MapStruct will handle these cases:

public class PaymentTypeMapperImpl implements PaymentTypeMapper {

    public PaymentTypeView paymentTypeToPaymentTypeView(PaymentType paymentType) {
        if (paymentType == null) {
            return null;

        PaymentTypeView paymentTypeView;

        switch (paymentType) {
            case CARD_VISA: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CARD;
            case CARD_MASTER: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CARD;
            case CARD_CREDIT: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CARD;
            case CASH: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CASH;
            case CHEQUE: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CHEQUE;
            default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + paymentType );
        return paymentTypeView;

CASH and CHEQUE have their corresponding values by default, whereas the specific CARD value is handled through a switch loop.

Though, this approach can become impractical when you have a lot of values you'd like to assign to a more general one. Instead of assigning each one manually, we can simply let MapStruct go through all of the available remaining values and map them all to another one.

This is done via MappingConstants:

@ValueMapping(source = MappingConstants.ANY_REMAINING, target = "CARD")
PaymentTypeView paymentTypeToPaymentTypeView(PaymentType paymentType);

Here, after the default mappings are done, any remaining (not matching) values will all be mapped to CARD.

public PaymentTypeView paymentTypeToPaymentTypeView(PaymentType paymentType) {
    if ( paymentType == null ) {
        return null;

    PaymentTypeView paymentTypeView;

    switch ( paymentType ) {
        case CASH: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CASH;
        case CHEQUE: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CHEQUE;
        default: paymentTypeView = PaymentTypeView.CARD;
    return paymentTypeView;

Another option would be to use ANY_UNMAPPED:

@ValueMapping(source = MappingConstants.ANY_UNMAPPED, target = "CARD")
PaymentTypeView paymentTypeToPaymentTypeView(PaymentType paymentType);

In this case, instead of mapping default values first, followed with mapping the remaining ones to a single target - MapStruct will just map all unmapped values to the target.

Mapping DataTypes

MapStruct supports data type conversion between source and target properties. It also provides automatic type conversion between primitive types and their corresponding wrappers.

Automatic type conversion applies to:

  • Conversion between primitive types and their respective wrapper types. For example, conversion between int and Integer, float and Float, long and Long, boolean and Boolean etc.
  • Conversion between any primitive types and any wrapper types. For example, between int and long, byte and Integer etc.
  • Conversion between all primitive and wrapper types and String. For example, conversion between boolean and String, Integer and String, float and String etc.

So during mapper code generation if the type conversion between source and target field falls under any of the above scenarios, MapStrcut will handle the type conversion itself.

Let update our PatientDto to include a field for storing the dateofBirth:

public class PatientDto {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private LocalDate dateOfBirth;

On the other hand, say our Patient object has a dateOfBirth of type String:

public class Patient {
    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String dateOfBirth;

Now, let's go ahead and make a mapper between these two:

public interface PatientMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "dateOfBirth", target = "dateOfBirth", dateFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy")
    Patient toModel(PatientDto patientDto);

When converting between dates, we can also use the dateFormat flag to set the format specifier. The generated implementation will look like:

public class PatientMapperImpl implements PatientMapper {

    public Patient toModel(PatientDto patientDto) {
        if (patientDto == null) {
            return null;

        PatientBuilder patient = Patient.builder();

        if (patientDto.getDateOfBirth() != null) {


Note that MapStruct has used the pattern provided by the dateFormat flag. If we didn't specify the format, it would've been set to the default format of a LocalDate:

if (patientDto.getDateOfBirth() != null) {

Adding Custom Methods

So far, we've been adding a placeholder method that we want MapStruct to implement for us. What we can also do is add a custom default method to the interface as well. By adding a default method, we can add the implementation directly as well. We'll be able to access it through the instance without a problem.

For this, let's make a DoctorPatientSummary, which contains a summary between a Doctor and a list of their Patients:

public class DoctorPatientSummary {
    private int doctorId;
    private int patientCount;
    private String doctorName;
    private String specialization;
    private String institute;
    private List<Integer> patientIds;

Now, in our DoctorMapper, we'll add a default method which, instead of mapping a Doctor to a DoctorDto, converts the Doctor and Education objects into a DoctorPatientSummary:

public interface DoctorMapper {

    default DoctorPatientSummary toDoctorPatientSummary(Doctor doctor, Education education) {

        return DoctorPatientSummary.builder()

This object is built from the Doctor and Education objects using the Builder Design pattern.

This implementation will be available to use after the mapper implementation class is generated by MapStruct. You can access it just as you'd access any other mapper method:

DoctorPatientSummary summary = doctorMapper.toDoctorPatientSummary(dotor, education);

Creating Custom Mappers

So far, we've been using interfaces to create blueprints for mappers. We can also make blueprints with abstract classes, annotated with the @Mapper annotation. MapStruct will create an implementation for this class, similar to creating an interface implementation.

Let's rewrite the previous example, though this time, we'll make it an abstract class:

public abstract class DoctorCustomMapper {
    public DoctorPatientSummary toDoctorPatientSummary(Doctor doctor, Education education) {

        return DoctorPatientSummary.builder()

You can use this implementation the same way as you'd use an interface implementation. Using abstract classes gives us more control and options when creating custom implementations due to less limitations. Another benefit is the ability to add @BeforeMapping and @AfterMapping methods.

@BeforeMapping and @AfterMapping

For additional control and customization, we can define @BeforeMapping and @AfterMapping methods. Obviously, these run before and after each mapping. That is to say, these methods will be added and executed before and after the actual mapping between two objects within the implementation.

Let's add these methods to our DoctorCustomMapper:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class}, componentModel = "spring")
public abstract class DoctorCustomMapper {

    protected void validate(Doctor doctor) {
        if(doctor.getPatientList() == null){
            doctor.setPatientList(new ArrayList<>());

    protected void updateResult(@MappingTarget DoctorDto doctorDto) {

    @Mapping(source = "doctor.patientList", target = "patientDtoList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    public abstract DoctorDto toDoctorDto(Doctor doctor);

Now, let's generate a mapper based on this class:

public class DoctorCustomMapperImpl extends DoctorCustomMapper {
    private PatientMapper patientMapper;
    public DoctorDto toDoctorDto(Doctor doctor) {

        if (doctor == null) {
            return null;

        DoctorDto doctorDto = new DoctorDto();



        return doctorDto;

The validate() method is ran before the DoctorDto object is instantiated, and the updateResult() method is ran after the mapping has finished.

Adding Default Values

A useful couple of flags you can use with the @Mapping annotation are constants and default values. A constant value will always be used, regardless of the source's value. A default value will be used if the source value is null.

Let's update our DoctorMapper with a constant and default:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class}, componentModel = "spring")
public interface DoctorMapper {
    @Mapping(target = "id", constant = "-1")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.patientList", target = "patientDtoList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization", defaultValue = "Information Not Available")
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor);

If the specialty isn't available, we'll assign the Information Not Available string instead. Also, we've hardcoded the id to be -1.

Let's generate the mapper:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {

    private PatientMapper patientMapper;
    public DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) {
        if (doctor == null) {
            return null;

        DoctorDto doctorDto = new DoctorDto();

        if (doctor.getSpecialty() != null) {
        else {
            doctorDto.setSpecialization("Information Not Available");


        return doctorDto;

If doctor.getSpecialty() returns null, we set the specialization to our default message. The id is set regardless, since it's a constant.

Adding Java Expressions

MapStruct goes as far as allowing you to fully input Java expressions as flags to the @Mapping annotation. You can either set a defaultExpression (if the source value is null) or an expression which is constant.

Let's add an externalId which will be a String and an appointment which will be of LocalDateTime type to our Doctor and DoctorDto.

Our Doctor model will look like:

public class Doctor {

    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String externalId;
    private String specialty;
    private LocalDateTime availability;
    private List<Patient> patientList;

And DoctorDto will look like:

public class DoctorDto {

    private int id;
    private String name;
    private String externalId;
    private String specialization;
    private LocalDateTime availability;
    private List<PatientDto> patientDtoList;

And now, let's update our DoctorMapper:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class}, componentModel = "spring", imports = {LocalDateTime.class, UUID.class})
public interface DoctorMapper {

    @Mapping(target = "externalId", expression = "java(UUID.randomUUID().toString())")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.availability", target = "availability", defaultExpression = "java(")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.patientList", target = "patientDtoList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    DoctorDto toDtoWithExpression(Doctor doctor);

Here, we've assigned the value of java(UUID.randomUUID().toString()) to the externalId, while we've conditionally set the availability to a new LocalDateTime, if the availability isn't present.

Since the expressions are just Strings, we have to specify the classes used in the expressions. This isn't code that's being evaluated, it's a literal text value. Thus, we've added imports = {LocalDateTime.class, UUID.class} to the @Mapper annotation.

The generated mapper will look like:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {

    private PatientMapper patientMapper;
    public DoctorDto toDtoWithExpression(Doctor doctor) {
        if (doctor == null) {
            return null;

        DoctorDto doctorDto = new DoctorDto();

        if (doctor.getAvailability() != null) {
        else {


        return doctorDto;

The externalId is set to:


Whereas, if the availability is null, it's set to:


Exception Handling while Mapping

Exception Handling is unavoidable. Applications incur exceptional states all the time. MapStruct provides support to include exception handling pretty seamlessly, making your job as a dev a lot simpler.

Let's consider a scenario where we want to validate our Doctor model while mapping it to DoctorDto. Let's make a separate Validator class for this:

public class Validator {
    public int validateId(int id) throws ValidationException {
        if(id == -1){
            throw new ValidationException("Invalid value in ID");
        return id;

Now, we'll want to update our DoctorMapper to use the Validator class, without us having to specify the implementation. As usual, we'll add the classes to the list of classes used by @Mapper, and all we have to do is tell MapStruct that our toDto() method throws ValidationException:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class, Validator.class}, componentModel = "spring")
public interface DoctorMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "doctor.patientList", target = "patientDtoList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctor.specialty", target = "specialization")
    DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) throws ValidationException;

Now, let's generate an implementation for this mapper:

public class DoctorMapperImpl implements DoctorMapper {

    private PatientMapper patientMapper;
    private Validator validator;

    public DoctorDto toDto(Doctor doctor) throws ValidationException {
        if (doctor == null) {
            return null;

        DoctorDto doctorDto = new DoctorDto();


        return doctorDto;

MapStruct has automatically set the id of doctorDto with the result of the Validator instance. It also added a throws clause for the method.

Mapping Configurations

MapStruct provides some very helpful configuration for writing mapper methods. Most of the time, the mapping configurations we specify for a mapper method are replicated when adding another mapper method for similar types.

Instead of configuring these manually, we can configure similar types to have the same/similar mapping methods.

Inherit Configuration

Let's revisit the scenario in Updating Existing Instances, where we created a mapper to update the values of an existing Doctor model from a DoctorDto object:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class})
public interface DoctorMapper {

    DoctorMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(DoctorMapper.class);

    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.patientDtoList", target = "patientList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.specialization", target = "specialty")
    void updateModel(DoctorDto doctorDto, @MappingTarget Doctor doctor);

Say we have another mapper that generates a Doctor from a DoctorDto:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class, Validator.class})
public interface DoctorMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.patientDtoList", target = "patientList")
    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.specialization", target = "specialty")
    Doctor toModel(DoctorDto doctorDto);

Both these mapper methods use the same configuration. The sources and targets are the same. Instead of repeating the configurations for both mappers methods, we can use the @InheritConfiguration annotation.

By annotating a method with the @InheritConfiguration annotation, MapStruct will look for another, already configured method whose configuration can be applied to this one as well. Typically, this annotation is used for update methods after a mapping method, just like we're using it:

@Mapper(uses = {PatientMapper.class, Validator.class}, componentModel = "spring")
public interface DoctorMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.specialization", target = "specialty")
    @Mapping(source = "doctorDto.patientDtoList", target = "patientList")
    Doctor toModel(DoctorDto doctorDto);

    void updateModel(DoctorDto doctorDto, @MappingTarget Doctor doctor);

Inherit Inverse Configuration

Another similar scenario is writing mapper functions to map Model to DTO and DTO to Model, like in the code below were we have to specify same source target mapping on both functions:

Your configurations won't always be the same. For example, they can be inverse. Mapping a model to a DTO and a DTO to a model - you use the same fields, but inverse. Here's how it looks like typically:

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface PatientMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "dateOfBirth", target = "dateOfBirth", dateFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy")
    Patient toModel(PatientDto patientDto);

    @Mapping(source = "dateOfBirth", target = "dateOfBirth", dateFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy")
    PatientDto toDto(Patient patient);

Instead of writing this two times, we can use the @InheritInverseConfiguration annotation on the second method:

@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface PatientMapper {

    @Mapping(source = "dateOfBirth", target = "dateOfBirth", dateFormat = "dd/MMM/yyyy")
    Patient toModel(PatientDto patientDto);

    PatientDto toDto(Patient patient);

The generated code from both mapper implementations will be the same.


In this article we explored MapStruct - a library for creating mapper classes, starting from basic level mappings to custom methods and custom mappers. We also looked into different options provided by MapStruct including dependency injection, data type mappings, enum mappings and using expressions.

MapStruct provides a powerful integration plugin for reducing the amount of code a user has to write and makes the process of creating mappers easy and fast.

The source code for the sample code can be found here.

Last Updated: September 16th, 2021
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