Thresholding is a simple and efficient technique to perform basic segmentation in an image, and to binarize it (turn it into a binary image) where pixels are either 0 or 1 (or 255 if you're using integers to represent them). Typically, you can use thresholding to perform simple background-foreground segmentation...
David Landup
The learning rate is an important hyperparameter in deep learning networks - and it directly dictates the degree to which updates to weights are performed, which are estimated to minimize some given loss function. In SGD: $$ weight_{t+1} = weight_t - lr * \frac{derror}{dweight_t} $$ With a learning...
By setting the focus on an element, we gently guide a user to the next expected input field, giving them a better browsing experience with less guesswork. In this article, we will learn how to set focus on an element after rendering our React application or a React component. In...
Joel Olawanle
When developing web applications - we routinely access resources hosted on a server. Asking for, sending, or performing other operations on resources is accomplished through HTTP requests. These requests are sent from the client to a host on a server. When making HTTP request, the client employs a URL (Uniform...
Improving the performance of a training loop can save hours of computing time when training machine learning models. One of the ways of improving the performance of TensorFlow code is using the tf.function() decorator - a simple, one-line change that can make your functions run significantly faster. In this...
Felipe Antunes
Data augmentation has, for a long while, been serving as a means of replacing a "static" dataset with transformed variants, bolstering the invariance of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and usually leading to robustness to input. Note: Invariance boils down to making models blind to certain perturbations, when making...
A dictionary in Python is a collection of items that stores data as key-value pairs. In Python 3.7 and later versions, dictionaries are sorted by the order of item insertion. In earlier versions, they were unordered. In this article, we'll take a look at how we can sort a...
Naazneen Jatu
To work with stored data, file handling becomes the core knowledge of every professional Python programmer. Right from its earliest release, both reading and writing data to files are built-in Python features. In comparison to other programming languages like C or Java, it is pretty simple and only requires a...
Frank Hofmann
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