The act of picking an item or chunk of text, moving it (dragging), and then placing it (dropping) in another location is described is known as drag-and-drop functionality. Most browsers make text selections, pictures, and links draggable by default. For example, if you drag images or image-based logotypes on any...
Joel Olawanle
An object in JavaScript is an unordered collection of key-value pairs (key: value). Each key is known as a property, and is a string representing a property name. If a non-string is given as the key, its stringified representation will be used. A property's value can be of any data...
Kruskal's algorithm is one of the three most famous algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree (MST) in a graph. MSTs are widely used to calculate optimal paths in a lot of different fields. From a post-office calculating the optimal path for a postman that needs to cover a certain...
Dimitrije Stamenic
The "scroll-to-top" feature is an excellent addition to any website that forces visitors to scroll a long distance before reaching the bottom of the page, since it becomes quite annoying to return back to the top. By extension, scrolling to the bottom or any particular point or section...
Converting text into a uniform case is a good starting point of any type for text processing. In this article we'll show you how to convert text to lowercase using one of the Pythons' built-in methods used to manipulate strings - str.lower(). From a top-level view, the process is...
Dates are a regular part of our everyday lives, and we're generally aware of the day, or at least month we're in at any given point. This proves to be a great reference point for time, and displaying the name of a month or a day can help users figure...
A countdown timer is a virtual clock that starts (or stops) counting down from a specific date to mark the start (or finish) of an event. They're commonly used on the landing page of an e-commerce website, under-construction websites, events pages, and a variety of other places. They're typically used...
Filtering through information is one of the most important tasks that we use automation/computers for! Computers and software wouldn't be nearly as useful if we had to sift through everything manually. By extension - filtering data for end-users is a common task, allowing users to narrow down the search...
Storing passwords securely should be imperative for any credible engineer. Plain text passwords are extremely insecure - you shouldn't even bother considering storing them a plain format. It's enough that someone gains view privileges on a database for an entire user base to be compromised. Passwords must be stored in...
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