Tensors are multi-dimensional objects, and the essential data representation block of Deep Learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. A scalar has zero dimensions, a vector has one dimension, a matrix has two dimensions and tensors have three or more. In practice, we oftentimes refer to scalars and vectors and...
David Landup
In this short guide, learn how to sort a list in Python using the built-in sort() and sorted() functions. sort() is a method of the list class, and sorts the list in-place, returning None. sorted() is a method built into the Python namespace, and sorts the list out-of-place, returning a...
Multipart/Form-Data is one of the encoding types that allows files to be included in your form data before it's transferred to the server for processing. Other encoding types can be used to achieve non-file transfers: application/x-www-form-urlencoded - Encodes data as a query string - separating key-value pairs (assigned...
Asaolu Elijah
Delaying code execution/simulating a delay has various uses - pausing in a loop for displaying data, waiting for other threads in a multithreaded environment to finish (though, this doesn't replace proper asynchronous programming) or simply lessening loads on a server or client, with successive requests. Note: Delaying Code Execution...
Looping with a counter variable/index - a classic in Computer Science! Typically, you'd either explicitly define a counter variable/index, and manually increment it on each loop, or you'd use some sort of syntactic sugar to avoid this process through enhanced for loops: some_list = ['Looping', '...
TensorFlow Datasets, also known as tfds is is a library that serves as a wrapper to a wide selection of datasets, with proprietary functions to load, split and prepare datasets for Machine and Deep Learning, primarily with TensorFlow. Note: While the TensorFlow Datasets library is used to get data, it's...
Nodemon is an open-source utility package that keeps track of the changes made to your source code and restarts your project server automatically when new modifications are made. It also offers some unique features, such as the ability to watch a directory rather than simply files, as well as to...
MySQL is an immensely popular Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) - and has for a long time been a staple in any back-end engineer's toolkit, right next to PostgreSQL. With the advent of JavaScript for the back-end, via Node.js' spectacular rise in popularity and applicability - MySQL is commonly...
Javascript Syntax Extension (JSX), is a JavaScript extension developed and popularized by the React framework that allows you to structure the rendering of elements. It essentially makes it easier to write HTML code in React (describe the UI), and due to its flexibility, JSX has been adopted by other popular...
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