The Proxy Design Pattern is a design pattern belonging to the set of structural patterns. Structural patterns are a category of design patterns used to simplify the design of a program on its structural level. As its name suggests, the proxy pattern means using a proxy for some other entity....
Luka Čupić
Multi-threading is a common cause of headaches for programmers. Since humans are naturally not used to this kind of "parallel" thinking, designing a multithreaded program becomes much less straight-forward than writing software with a single thread of execution. In this article, we will take a look at some...
Simulated Annealing is an evolutionary algorithm inspired by annealing from metallurgy. It's a closely controlled process where a metallic material is heated above its recrystallization temperature and slowly cooled. Successful annealing has the effect of lowering the hardness and thermodynamic free energy of the metal and altering its internal structure...
Design patterns are a collection of programming methodologies used in day-to-day programming. They represent solutions to some commonly occurring problems in the programming industry, which have intuitive solutions. Sooner or later, a desktop program, mobile app, or some other type of software will inevitably become complex and start exhibiting certain...
When writing any kind of code in Java, developers tend to work with objects more often than with primitive values (int, boolean, etc). This is because objects are at the very essence of object-oriented programming: they allow a programmer to write abstract code in a clean and structured manner. Furthermore,...
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