Tunneling your traffic is the process of sending data, like HTTP, over a different protocol. In this case, we'll show you how to send your browser traffic over the SSH protocol. So why would you ever want to do this? By tunneling your traffic, you're basically using the destination computer/...
Scott Robinson
The virtualenv tool creates an isolated Python environment (in the form of a directory) that is completely separate from the system-wide Python environment. What this really means is that any settings, 3rd-party packages, etc. from the system-wide environment do not appear in the virtual environment, so it's almost like you...
As great as Maven is, it does make things a bit more complicated, including how you develop projects in different IDEs. If Maven is supposed to make building projects easier (among other things), but you can't use it in conjunction with an IDE, then what's the point? You shouldn't have...
Apache Camel is a powerful enterprise routing framework that can be used to send information any which way, with just about any protocol you'd want to use. And it's no secret how important encryption is, so using the two together just makes sense. PGP, specifically, stands for "Pretty Good...
Many times when you're parsing text you find yourself needing to split strings on a comma character (or new lines, tabs, etc.), but then what if you needed to use a comma in your string and not split on it? An example of this could be a large number. So...
Autocomplete can be very useful in just about any application, but its not trivial to implement. So here is a quick example of how you might do it in Java's Swing framework with JTextField (it should also work with JTextArea with only a few modifications). This example is a modified...
Setting the proxy server and port: System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", ""); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "80"); For an HTTPS proxy, just change 'http' to 'https' for each property. Or you can just use the system's proxies: System.setProperty("java....
Java isn't the most dynamic language around, but with some careful planning and flexibility you can make your programs a bit more dynamic by loading classes at runtime. This might be good for when you want to make your application more extensible and allow certain modules within it to be...
Download the latest version of Maven as of this writing Unzip the archive and place the the Maven folder somewhere on your computer ex: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation Add the following environment variables: M2_HOME = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.1.0...
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