Flush the Output of the print() Function in Python


In Python, the print function is a fundamental tool for outputting data to the console (and for many of us, our primary debugging tool). But, as you may have run into, sometimes the output of this function doesn't appear immediately. This is because of a feature called the "output buffer".

In this Byte, we'll explore the output buffer, why it's necessary to flush it, and how the print function's flush parameter can help us control this behavior.

The Output Buffer

The output buffer is a temporary storage area in your computer's memory where data waiting to be outputted to the console is held. The buffer improves performance by reducing the number of I/O operations. Instead of writing each piece of data to the console separately, Python collects several chunks of data and writes them all at once.

Here's a simple analogy: Imagine you're mailing letters. Instead of going to the post office each time you finish a letter, you'd save a lot of time by writing several letters, then taking them all to the post office at once. That's essentially what the output buffer does.

Why We Need to Flush the Output Buffer

While buffering is great for performance, it can cause confusion when you're debugging your code. If your program crashes, you might not see all the output that was generated before the crash because some of it may still be in the buffer.

That's where flushing comes in. When you flush the output buffer, you're telling Python to immediately write out any data that's currently stored in the buffer, even if the buffer isn't full.

This can be especially useful when you're print-debugging, because it ensures that you see all output up to the point of the crash.

The Print Function and the Flush Parameter

Python's print function has a flush parameter that you can use to control whether the output buffer should be flushed. By default, flush is set to False, which means the buffer is not flushed after each call to print.

If you set flush to True, Python will flush the output buffer after each print call. Here's an example:

print("Hello, World!", flush=True)

In this code, the string "Hello, World!" is printed to the console, and then the output buffer is immediately flushed. This ensures that "Hello, World!" appears on the console right away, even if there's more data waiting to be printed.

Note: Flushing the output buffer can slow down your program, especially if you're printing a lot of data. Therefore, it's generally a good idea to only use flush=True when you're debugging and need to see your output immediately.

In the next sections of this Byte, we'll go over how to use the flush parameter and provide some examples.

How to Use the Flush Parameter

In Python's print function, there's a parameter called flush. This parameter is set to False by default, which means that the output buffer isn't immediately cleared after the print function is executed. But if you set flush=True, Python will instantly flush the output buffer.

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Here's the syntax for using the flush parameter:

print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

In this syntax, *objects are the values you want to print, sep is the separator which is a space by default, end is the character that is printed at the end which is a newline by default, file is the object where the values are printed, and flush is the parameter we're interested in.

To use the flush parameter, simply include flush=True in your print function:

print("Hello, StackAbuse!", flush=True)

This will print the string "Hello, StackAbuse!" and immediately clear the output buffer.

Examples of Using the Flush Parameter

Let's look at a few examples of how the flush parameter can be used in real-world scenarios.

Printing in a Loop

When you're printing inside a loop, especially a long-running one, you might want to see the output immediately. Here's how you can do it:

import time

for i in range(10):
    print(i, flush=True)

In this code, the numbers from 0 to 9 will be printed one at a time, with a delay of one second between each print. Because we've set flush=True, each number is printed immediately to the console.

Printing in a File

If you're writing to a file using the print function, you can use flush=True to ensure that the output is written to the file immediately. Here's how this works:

with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
    print("Hello, StackAbuse!", file=f, flush=True)

Now, the string "Hello, StackAbuse!" is written to the file output.txt immediately.


In this Byte, we've explored how to use the flush parameter in Python's print function to immediately clear the output buffer. This can be particularly useful when you're printing inside a loop or writing to a file and you want to see the output right away.

Last Updated: August 29th, 2023
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