Get the Root Project Directory Path in Python


When working with Python, you may need to access files that reside at different locations within your project directory. One common scenario is when you need to read or write data to a file that's located in your project's root directory, for example.

In this Byte, we'll show how you can retrieve the root project directory path in Python, which will allow you to then easily access and manipulate files in your root directory.

Getting the Root Project Directory Path

To retrieve the root project directory path, Python provides the os module, which includes functions for interacting with the operating system. Among these functions is os.getcwd(), which returns the current working directory path. This is the directory from where your script is running.

Here is an example of how it is used:

import os

# Get the current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()


When you run this script, it will print the path of your current working directory.

$ python3

Note: The current working directory may not always be the root project directory, especially if you're running the script from a subdirectory of your project.

Accessing Files in the Root Directory

Once you have the path of your root project directory, you can use it to access files in this directory. For instance, if you have a file named data.txt in your root directory, you can open and use it like this:

import os

# Get the current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()

# Open a file in the root directory
with open(os.path.join(cwd, 'data.txt'), 'r') as file:
    data =


This script will read the contents of data.txt and print it to the console. The important part of this script is not only os.getcwd(), but also os.path.join(cwd, 'data.txt'), which creates the full path to the file you're trying to access, in this case.

Using pathlib.Path for the Root Directory Path

Python 3.4 introduced the pathlib module, which has more of an object-oriented approach for dealing with paths. To get the root project directory path using pathlib, you can use the Path.cwd() method:

from pathlib import Path

# Get the current working directory
cwd = Path.cwd()


Just like os.getcwd(), Path.cwd() returns the path of the current working directory. However, it returns a Path object, which you can then use to perform various path-related operations.

For example, to open a file in the root directory, you can use the / operator to join paths:

from pathlib import Path

# Get the current working directory
cwd = Path.cwd()

# Open a file in the root directory
with open(cwd / 'data.txt', 'r') as file:
    data =

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This script does the same thing as the previous one, but it uses pathlib to handle paths, which can make your code cleaner and more readable.

Note: The / operator is overloaded by the Path object to be used for path concatenation, not division. So if cwd was the string '/path/to/my/dir', then cwd / 'data.txt' would result in '/path/to/my/dir/data.txt'.

Dynamic Retrieval of Root Project Folder

In Python, you can dynamically retrieve the root project directory path using the os module. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality. The os.path module implements some useful functions on pathnames.

Here's a simple way to dynamically determine the root project directory path:

import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

When you run this script, it will output the absolute path of the directory of the script being run. In this case, __file__ is a built-in Python variable that outputs the path where the script is run from.

Using os.curdir for Root Directory

Another way to find the root directory path is by using os.curdir, which returns the constant string used by the operating system to refer to the current directory. This is '.' for Windows and POSIX systems.

Here is a sample code snippet:

import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)

Running this script will output the absolute path of the current working directory.

Note: Keep in mind that the current directory is the directory from which the script is run, not necessarily the directory where the script is actually located.

Importing the ROOT_DIR Variable

In larger Python projects, it's common to import the ROOT_DIR variable from a central location. This allows all modules in your project to have access to the root directory path.

Assuming you've defined ROOT_DIR in a file named, you can import it like this:

from settings import ROOT_DIR

Now, ROOT_DIR can be used anywhere in the module where it's imported.


In this Byte, we've explored different ways to determine the root project directory path in Python. We've seen how to dynamically retrieve the root project directory path using the os module, leverage os.curdir for the root directory, and import the ROOT_DIR variable.

Last Updated: August 19th, 2023
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