How to Compare Time Strings in HH:MM:SS Format with JavaScript


Time is woven into every part of our lives, both figuratively and literally. Because of this, we have to deal with it in programming often. It can take on many formats, one of the most common being HH:MM:SS. This Byte will help us firgure out how to compare time strings in JavaScript, providing you with a practical understanding of how it can be done.

String-Formatted Time

Time is often represented as a string in the HH:MM:SS format since this is how we see it in the real world as this format is fairly universal and easy to understand. For instance, "13:45:30" represents 1:45:30 PM in 24-hour format. It's worth noting, however, that JavaScript doesn't inherently understand this format. To the language, it's just a string like any other. So, how can we make JavaScript understand and compare these time strings? Let's explore this.

Why Compare Time Strings?

There are numerous scenarios where comparing time in string format could be useful. Maybe you're building a time tracking application, or perhaps you're working on a scheduling system that needs to compare times to determine the order of events. Comparing time strings in JavaScript is a common and necessary task in many programming projects.

How to Compare Time Strings

There are several ways to compare time strings in JavaScript. The two most common methods involve using the Date object or string comparison methods. Let's delve into both these methods.

Using the Date Object for Comparison

The Date object in JavaScript is a built-in object that provides methods for working with dates and times. You can use it to create a Date object from a time string and then compare these objects.

Here's an example:

let time1 = new Date(`1970-01-01T${"13:45:30"}Z`);
let time2 = new Date(`1970-01-01T${"14:45:30"}Z`);

if (time1 > time2) {
    console.log("Time1 is later");
} else if (time1 < time2) {
    console.log("Time2 is later");
} else {
    console.log("Both times are equal");

In this example, we're creating Date objects from our time strings. We're using a fixed date (January 1, 1970) and appending our time strings to it. The actual date used doesn't really matter, as long as they're the same, since we really only care about the time.

The 'Z' at the end specifies that this is UTC. Then we simply compare the Date objects using JavaScript's comparison operators.

Note: When comparing Date objects, JavaScript converts the dates to their numeric representation (the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970) and compares these numbers.

This method works well for most use cases. However, it might be overkill if you're just comparing times on the same day and don't need to account for dates or time zones. In that case, you might want to consider using string comparison methods, which we'll cover in the next section of this Byte.

Comparing Time Strings using String Methods

In JavaScript, another way to compare time strings is by using string methods. This approach involves splitting the time string into hours, minutes, and seconds, and then comparing these parts. Let's see how we can do this.

let time1 = "10:30:00";
let time2 = "11:30:00";

let time1Parts = time1.split(":");
let time2Parts = time2.split(":");

if (time1Parts[0] > time2Parts[0]) {
    console.log(time1 + " is greater than " + time2);
} else if (time1Parts[0] < time2Parts[0]) {
    console.log(time1 + " is less than " + time2);
} else {
    // Hours are equal, compare minutes
    if (time1Parts[1] > time2Parts[1]) {
        console.log(time1 + " is greater than " + time2);
    } else if (time1Parts[1] < time2Parts[1]) {
        console.log(time1 + " is less than " + time2);
    } else {
        // Minutes are equal, compare seconds
        console.log(time1Parts[2] > time2Parts[2] ? time1 + " is greater than " + time2 : time1 + " is less than " + time2);
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In the example above, the time strings are split into arrays using the split method. Then, each part of the time (hours, minutes, and seconds) is compared.

But do we really need all of these if statements? Actually, no. We can use basic string comparison on the full time string. This is because the string comparisons abide by the order of the numbers, and thus (using the same example as above) the string "11:30:00" is "greater than" the other string, "10:30:00":

let time1 = "10:30:00";
let time2 = "11:30:00";

if (time1 > time2) {
    console.log(time1 + " is greater than " + time2);
} else {
    console.log(time1 + " is less than " + time2);

Potential Problems

Just be awaare that these methods are not without their potential problems. Imagine if you have time strings that are not in the correct format or if they contain invalid values (like "25" for hours), the comparison will give incorrect results.

This also method doesn't handle the comparison of time strings in different formats. Comparing a time string in 'HH:MM:SS' format with a time string in 'HH:MM' format will cause problems.

Comparing Time Strings in Different Formats

So, then how do we compare time strings in different formats? Well, we'll have to convert the time strings to a common format before comparing them. The manual comparison would look like this:

let time1 = "10:30";
let time2 = "11:30:00";

let time1Parts = time1.split(":");
let time2Parts = time2.split(":");

// convert time1 to 'HH:MM:SS' format
if (time1Parts.length == 2) {

if (time1Parts[0] > time2Parts[0]) {
    console.log(time1 + " is greater than " + time2);
} else if (time1Parts[0] < time2Parts[0]) {
    console.log(time1 + " is less than " + time2);
} else {
    // hours are equal, compare minutes
    if (time1Parts[1] > time2Parts[1]) {
        console.log(time1 + " is greater than " + time2);
    } else if (time1Parts[1] < time2Parts[1]) {
        console.log(time1 + " is less than " + time2);
    } else {
        // minutes are equal, compare seconds
        console.log(time1Parts[2] > time2Parts[2] ? time1 + " is greater than " + time2 : time1 + " is less than " + time2);

To use the Date object, you'd need to do something similar in order to get it to parse the time, or you could split out the time parts and set those on the Date object accordingly.


Comparing time strings in JavaScript can be achieved using different methods, each with its own pros and cons. While the Date object provides a better solution, using string methods can be a simple approach as well, assuming the times are in the same format and contain valid values.

In this Byte, we've covered how to compare time strings using string methods, potential problems you might encounter, and how to compare time strings in different formats.

Last Updated: September 25th, 2023
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