JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() Function

With the ever-increasing presence of web-tech, we commonly see more and more need for encoding and decoding data in a safe and standardized way. This is where JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() function comes into the picture. This function encodes a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) component by replacing certain characters with corresponding hexadecimal escape sequences.

let uri = "my test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab";
let res = encodeURIComponent(uri);
// Output: my%20test.asp%3Fname%3Dst%C3%A5le%26car%3Dsaab

In the code snippet above, you'll see the encodeURIComponent() function in action, transforming the given URI string into an encoded version.

Note: Keep in mind, encodeURIComponent() encodes not only characters that are not valid in URLs, but also some characters that have special meaning in a URL (like &, =, :, /, + etc.). This is what makes this function more aggressive than encodeURI(), which doesn't encode characters with special meaning.

Let's understand this better with an example.

let uri = "/api/test?name=John Doe&age=25";
let uriComponent = "John Doe&age=25";

let encodedURI = encodeURI(uri);
let encodedURIComponent = encodeURIComponent(uriComponent);

// Output: /api/test?name=John%20Doe&age=25

// Output: John%20Doe%26age%3D25
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In the example above, you will see that the encodeURIComponent() function has encoded the & character, unlike encodeURI(). This behavior is important when you're building URLs with dynamic data, for example. When the server receives this URL, it will decode the URL and interpret the parameters correctly, avoiding potential issues.

Another use case for encodeURIComponent() is when you're dealing with AJAX requests. When you're sending data to the server using GET method, it's quite common to append data to the URL as query parameters. If these parameters contain special characters or spaces, it's necessary to encode these characters to ensure they're interpreted correctly by the server.

An example of this can be seen in search engines. For example, Google's URL format for their search function is{query}. So if you wanted to search for "StackAbuse is great 👍", the resulting URL, using encodeURIComponent, would be

Let's take a look at another example:

let userName = "John Doe";
let age = 25;
let url = "/api/test?name=" + encodeURIComponent(userName) + "&age=" + age;

// The final URL will be: "/api/test?name=John%20Doe&age=25"

In this scenario, if the userName variable contains any special characters or spaces, they will be correctly encoded, ensuring that the server interprets the URL as intended.

Note: While encodeURIComponent() is very useful, it's important to remember that it should not be used on the entire URL, but rather on individual URI components. Applying it to the entire URL can result in ncoding characters that are meant to retain their special meanings, like : or / in https://.


JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() function is an important tool in a web developer's arsenal, facilitating safe and accurate data transfer. By encoding individual URI components, it ensures that information is correctly interpreted by servers, thus avoiding potential errors and preserving the integrity of the data.

Last Updated: July 31st, 2023
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