Triggering Button Click with JavaScript on Enter Key Press


One way you can enhance UX is to allow users to interact with your web application using their keyboard. This is especially helpful when it comes to form inputs and buttons. In this Byte, we'll explore how to trigger a button click with JavaScript when the Enter key is pressed.

Events in JavaScript

Events are a core part of building interactive web applications. They represent the user's interaction with the webpage, such as clicks, key presses, mouse movements, etc. JavaScript provides a system to handle these events, allowing us developers to create dynamic and interactive experiences.

onclick Event

The onclick event in JavaScript is triggered when a user clicks on an element. This event is often used to execute a function when a button is clicked, like this:

<button onclick="alert('Hello, World!')">Click me</button>

In this code snippet, whenever the button is clicked, an alert box with the message 'Hello, World!' appears on the screen.

onkeydown and onkeypress Events

Just like onclick, the onkeydown and onkeypress events are triggered when a user interacts with an element. However, instead of a mouse click, these events are fired when a user presses a key on their keyboard. The onkeydown event is triggered the moment a key is pressed down, while onkeypress is triggered when a key is pressed and released.

Let's take a look at how this works:

<input type="text" onkeydown="console.log('Key is pressed down')" onkeypress="console.log('Key is pressed and released')">

In this code snippet, whenever a key is pressed down in the input field, "Key is pressed down" is logged to the console. When the key is pressed and released, "Key is pressed and released" is logged.

Note: The main difference between onkeydown and onkeypress is that onkeydown can detect all keys, while onkeypress only detects keys that produce a character value, like alphabets, numbers, and punctuation. This makes onkeydown more suitable for our use-case of detecting the Enter key press.

Why Trigger Button Click on Enter?

A key aspect of good user experience is ensuring that your website or application is not only easy to use, but also intuitive. One common convention that many users are accustomed to is the ability to trigger a button click by pressing the Enter key. This is especially important with form submissions, where users may fill out a bunch of fields and naturally expect to submit the form by pressing Enter, instead of manually having clicking a submit button.

Triggering a button click on Enter key press not only improves the user experience, but also enhances usability for users who rely on keyboards for navigation, possibly to either speed up the process or due to physical limitations.

Implementing Button Click Trigger on Enter Key Press

To implement this, we'll need to use JavaScript, of course. Specifically, we'll be using JavaScript's event handling to listen for the Enter key press and then trigger the button click.

HTML Setup

Let's start with a very simple HTML form with an input field and a button:

<form id="myForm">
  <input type="text" id="myInput" placeholder="Type something...">
  <button id="myButton">Submit</button>

In this setup, we have a form with an id of "myForm", an input field with an id of "myInput", and a button with an id of "myButton".


Now, let's add the JavaScript to trigger the button click on Enter key press. We'll use the addEventListener method to listen for the "keydown" event on the input field. When the event is fired, we'll check if the key pressed was Enter (key code 13), and if so, we'll trigger the button click using the click method.

document.getElementById('myInput').addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
  // Check if Enter was pressed
  if (event.keyCode === 13) {
    // Prevent the default action
    // Trigger the button click

We first get the input field by its id using document.getElementById. We then add an event listener for the "keydown" event. Inside the event listener, we check if the key code of the event is 13, which corresponds to the Enter key. If it is, we prevent the default action using event.preventDefault (which would be to submit the form and refresh the page), and then trigger the button click using document.getElementById('myButton').click().

If you're using jQuery, you'd wanto to use something like this instead:

$("#myInput").keyup(function(event) {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {

The code is very similar in structure, but it's a bit more compact and easier to read.

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And there you have it! With just a few lines of JavaScript, we now allow users to submit a form by pressing the Enter key. While this might seem like a small detail, it's these kinds of enhancements that can make a big difference in the overall user experience.

Handling Event Bubbling and Propagation

Event bubbling is a concept in JavaScript where an event triggers at the deepest possible element, and then triggers on parent elements in nesting order. As a result, a parent element can react to a child element's event. This can cause unexpected behavior when you're trying to trigger a button click on an Enter key press.

Consider the following code snippet:

  <div id="parent">
    <button id="child">Click Me!</button>

    // Attach event listener to the child element
    document.getElementById("child").onclick = function(event) {
      alert("Child Button Clicked!");

    // Attach event listener to the parent element
    document.getElementById("parent").onclick = function(event) {
      alert("Parent Div Clicked!");

In this case, if you click on the child element, the parent div will also receive the "onclick" event.

To prevent this, you can use event.stopPropagation(). This prevents further propagation of the current event in the capturing and bubbling phases.

Similar Use-Cases

Triggering a button click on an Enter key press is just one of many similar use-cases. Let's see a few others.

Form Submission on Enter Key Press

One common use-case for triggering events with the Enter key is form submission. By default, most browsers will submit a form when the Enter key is pressed, assuming the form has a submit button. However, there may be instances where you want to manually control this behavior using JavaScript.

Consider the following HTML form:

<form id="myForm">
  <input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name">
  <input type="text" id="email" placeholder="Enter your email">
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

You can listen for the "keydown" event and check if the Enter key is pressed. If it is, you can manually submit the form:

document.getElementById('myForm').addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
  // Check if Enter was pressed without Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Caps
  if (event.key === 'Enter' && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && !event.capsLockKey) {

Note: It may also be important to check for modifier keys like Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Caps Lock. If these keys are pressed along with Enter, the form should not be submitted. This allows users to insert line breaks into text fields if needed.

Triggering Other Events on Key Press

Beyond form submission, there are countless other events you might want to trigger with a key press. For example, you might want to trigger a button click when the Space bar is pressed. Consider a button that toggles a lightbulb on and off:

<button id="lightSwitch">Toggle Light</button>

You can listen for the 'keydown' event and trigger the button click when the Space bar is pressed:

document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
  if (event.code === 'Space') {

In this case, pressing the Space bar will have the same effect as clicking the button. The possibilities are endless, and you can trigger virtually any event with any key press.


In this Byte, we've explored how to trigger button clicks and other events with key presses in JavaScript. We've looked at how to submit forms with the Enter key and how to trigger button clicks with the Space bar. We've also touched on potential issues like event bubbling/propagation.

Last Updated: September 18th, 2023
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