Using For and While Loops for User Input in Python


Python, a high-level, interpreted programming language, is known for its simplicity and readability. One of the many features that make Python so powerful is the for and while loops. These loops provide the ability to execute a block of code repeatedly, which can be particularly useful when dealing with user inputs.

In this Byte, we will explore how to use for and while loops for user input in Python.

User Input with For Loops

The for loop in Python is used to iterate over a sequence (such as a list, tuple, dictionary, string, or range) or other iterable objects. Iterating over a sequence is called traversal. Let's see how we can use a for loop to get user input.

for i in range(3):
    user_input = input("Please enter something: ")
    print("You entered: ", user_input)

When you run this code, it will ask the user to input something three times because we have used range(3) in our for loop. The input() function reads a line from input (usually user), converts it into a string, and returns that string.

Integer Input using for Loops

You might be wondering how you can get integer inputs from users. Well, Python has got you covered. You can use the int() function to convert the user input into an integer. Here's how you can do it:

for i in range(3):
    user_input = int(input("Please enter a number: "))
    print("You entered: ", user_input)

In this code, the int(input()) function reads a line from input, converts it into a string, then converts that string into an integer, and finally returns that integer.

Note: Be careful when using int(input()). If the user enters something that can't be converted into an integer, Python will raise a ValueError. For a production system, you need to do more input validation and cleaning.

List Comprehension as an Alternative

While for loops are powerful, Python provides an even more concise way to create lists based on existing lists. This is known as list comprehension. List comprehension can sometimes be a more efficient way to handle lists, especially when dealing with user input. Let's see how we can use list comprehension to get user input:

user_input = [input("Please enter something: ") for i in range(3)]
print("You entered: ", user_input)

In this code, we use list comprehension to create a new list that contains three elements entered by the user. This list is then printed out.

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This is sometimes preferred as list comprehension can be a more compact and readable alternative to for loops when dealing with user input in Python.

User Input with While Loops in Python

while loops in Python are a fundamental control flow structure that allows us to repeat a block of code until a certain condition is met. This can be particularly useful when we want to handle user input in a repetitive or continuous manner. Let's take a look at a simple example:

while True:
    user_input = input("Please enter some text: ")
    if user_input == "quit":
    print(f'You entered: {user_input}')

In the above code, we're using a while loop to continuously ask the user for input. The loop will only terminate when the user enters the word "quit". Here's what the output might look like:

Please enter some text: Hello
You entered: Hello
Please enter some text: quit

Note: Remember that the input() function in Python always returns a string. If you want to work with other data types, you'll need to convert the user's input accordingly.

Numeric Input using While Loops

Now, let's say we want to get numeric input from the user. We can do this by using the int() function to convert the user's input into an integer. Here's an example:

while True:
    user_input = input("Please enter a number: ")
    if user_input == "quit":
    number = int(user_input)
    print(f'You entered the number: {number}')

In this case, if the user enters anything other than a number, Python will raise a ValueError. To handle this, we can use a try/except block:

while True:
    user_input = input("Please enter a number: ")
    if user_input == "quit":
        number = int(user_input)
        print(f'You entered the number: {number}')
    except ValueError:
        print("That's not a valid number!")


In this Byte, we've explored how to use for and while loops in Python to take in user input. We've seen how these loops allow us to repeat a block of code until a certain condition is met, which can be particularly useful when we want to take user input continuously. We also saw how to handle numeric input and how to use try/except blocks to handle errors.

Last Updated: August 18th, 2023
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