Branching Models - Strategies

David Landup
François Dupire
Jovana Ninkovic

Now that we know how to deal with remote repositories, it's time we discuss how real collaboration takes place on a software development project that uses Git as its VCS.

In this lesson, we're going to explore a few strategies, called branching models, to manage such a project. In the end, we should be able to tell the main benefits and downsides of each model. Also, we should be able to tell if one of those strategies matches the needs of a project we're working on or not.

What's a Branching Model?

For starters, let's define what a branching model is, also known as a branching strategy or workflow.

A branching model is a series of rules one must follow when working on a software development project to ensure easier collaboration.

In much the same way social etiquette is used to enforce certain behavioral rules, teams all around the world find the best way they can define their workflows to fit their project and team structure. It's called a branching model because it often involves using branches in a certain way, following certain conventions and rules.

Using a branching model is not at all mandatory, but it can facilitate working in parallel on a project, and integrating each other's developed features.

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