Git Essentials: Developer's Guide to Git

David Landup
François Dupire
Jovana Ninkovic


Git Essentials: Developer's Guide to Git is a course for all developers, beginner to advanced, and written to get you up to speed with the world's most popular version control system. Git has become synonymous with VCSs and is expected to be in the wheelhouse of every developer as one of the most fundamental tools used to coordinate software development.

Stop turning to Google every time you need to commit some code, create a feature branch, or tag a release. With this course, you'll actually learn Git instead of just memorize the commands. We're all guilty of copy-pasting Git commands from the first result that shows up in Google, but the important question we're missing is - is that really the right thing for our situation? Learning and understanding these commands will help you become a more productive member of your team.

This course assumes no prior experience with Git, it applies to any operating system, and will work with any source files that can be version controlled. It covers everything you need to know, from why version control systems are considered fundamental tools to the basics of Git to advanced operations and best practices. The course also includes a printable PDF cheat sheet to encapsulate all of that content in an easy-to-lookup list of common commands, tasks, and errors you'll encounter in your day-to-day work.


Downloadable Resources

Course Ebook (PDF)(3 MB)
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Course Ebook (EPUB)(2 MB)
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Git Cheatsheet PDF(181 KB)
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Last Updated: Apr 2022

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