Thank You for Supporting Online Education

David Landup
David Landup

That concludes this course - "Practical Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python". Thank you for taking a ride with me!

This course is the result of many nights, coffees, models and research papers, with a sprinkle of love.

Online education is spreading through the world, and is becoming an increasingly important part of many lives. I believe that accessible, high-quality resources can help empower people that build tomorrow, and remain guided by that goal.

The point of this course is to get you from walking to running, and developing computer vision applications. Whether you want to learn computer vision for sheer curiosity, to apply it to medical images, manufacturing optimization, human workplace risk mitigation, automated robotics and cars, or to study the philosophical implications of computer vision - I hope that you found this course useful and insightful.

Authors have to make tough decisions about what to include, and what not to include, how to portray a concept or tool, identify potential confusing points, assess their work from many angles, and make it digestible, interesting and actionable. Above all, authors have to always remember that the point of writing is to help empower others to act and to make decisions themselves.

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