State Management in React using Redux

We are now going to dive into the very popular Redux library and understand exactly how it is so important for statement management in a React application, through a demo. We are also going to explore a related library called Redux Toolkit, which simplifies working with Redux, as you will see.
What is Redux?
Redux is a state management system for cross-component or application-wide state; to help React developers manage state across multiple components or even the complete app. Earlier in this guide, we saw how we could manage a simple React state with the useState()
. There are other hooks that can be helpful for the same too, including the useReducer()
. While these hooks exist to allow for the management of data that typically changes so that the UI is updated, they are best suitable for managing local state or cross-component state.
Local state is state that belongs to a single component and should be managed with
e.g. listening to a user input field or toggling a “show more” details accordion.
Cross-component state is state that affects multiple components and requires prop drilling e.g. opening and closing a modal overlay.
App-wide state is state that affects the entire app (most or all of an application’s components) e.g. the status of user authentication.