Creating Multiline Strings in JavaScript


As JavaScript developers, we often need to handle large chunks of text data, which may span across multiple lines. This is where multiline strings come into play. They allow you to maintain the formatting and readability of your code without compromising the string's structure.

In this article, we are going to explore various ways to create multiline strings in JavaScript.

Why Use Multiline Strings?

When dealing with large text data or template literals, it's not uncommon to have strings that span multiple lines. In traditional JavaScript, you would have to use the \n character to create a new line, which can make your code hard to read and maintain.

For instance, let's say you want to create a string for an email template:

var emailTemplate = "Dear User,\n\nThank you for signing up for our service.\n\nBest,\nTeam"

The \n character creates a new line, but it makes the code look cluttered. Multiline strings can solve this problem by allowing you to create strings that span multiple lines in a more readable and maintainable way.

Note: Multiline strings are not just about aesthetics or readability. They also play an important role in template literals and regular expressions, which we will see later in this article.

Multiline Strings: The Traditional Way

In the early days of JavaScript, creating multiline strings was a bit cumbersome. If you wanted to create a string that spanned more than one line, you had to use the newline character (\n) to break the line, or concatenate multiple strings using the + operator.

Here's an example:

var multilineString = 'This is line 1\n' +
                      'This is line 2\n' +
                      'This is line 3';

The output would be:

This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3

As you can see, this method can get quite messy and hard to read when dealing with larger strings.

Note: The \n character is a special character that represents a newline. When used in a string, it causes the string to break and start a new line.

Multiline Strings: The ES6 Way

With the introduction of ES6 (ES2015), JavaScript got a new feature called template literals. Template literals are a new kind of string literals that are enclosed by backticks (``) instead of single or double quotes.

One of the advantages of template literals is that they can span multiple lines without needing any special characters or concatenation. This makes them a perfect choice for creating multiline strings.

Here's how you can create a multiline string using template literals:

let multilineString = `This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3`;

The output would be:

This is line 1
This is line 2
This is line 3

As you can see, the syntax is much cleaner and easier to read.

Note: In addition to multiline strings, template literals also support string interpolation, which allows you to embed expressions within the string that will be evaluated and inserted into the string. This can be very useful when you need to include variables or expressions in your string.

Heredoc in JavaScript

"Heredoc" is a term borrowed from the Perl programming language. It stands for "Here Document" and is used to create multiline strings in a more readable and manageable way. Unfortunately, JavaScript doesn’t natively support heredoc, but we can emulate it using template literals introduced in ES6.

A heredoc-like multiline string in JavaScript would look like this:

let str = `
This is a multiline string
which spans multiple lines.



This is a multiline string
which spans multiple lines.

The backtick (`) character, which is usually located below the escape key on a keyboard, is used to define a template literal in JavaScript. Everything within the backticks is part of the string, including new lines or other special characters.

Note: The backtick (`) is not the same as a single quote (') or a double quote ("). Make sure you're using the correct character when defining template literals.

Variations of Multiline Strings

In addition to the standard way of creating multiline strings in JavaScript, there are several variations that can be used depending on your specific needs.


Before ES6, developers often used concatenation to create multiline strings. This method involves breaking the string into multiple parts and using the plus (+) operator to join them together.

let str = "This is a multiline string " +
"which spans multiple lines.";



This is a multiline string which spans multiple lines.

Array Join

Another variation is to use the join() method of an array to create a multiline string. Each element of the array becomes a line in the string.

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let str = ["This is a multiline string", "which spans multiple lines."].join("\n");



This is a multiline string
which spans multiple lines.

Template Literals with Variables

Template literals in ES6 also allow for variable interpolation. This means you can include variables within your multiline string, and their values will be included in the final string.

let line1 = "This is a multiline string";
let line2 = "which spans multiple lines.";

let str = `${line1}



This is a multiline string
which spans multiple lines.

These variations provide flexibility when working with multiline strings in JavaScript, allowing you to choose the method that best suits your needs.

Use Case: Multiline Strings in Template Literals

Template literals, introduced in ES6, are a new way to handle strings in JavaScript. They are enclosed by the backtick (`) character instead of double or single quotes. One of the main benefits of template literals is their ability to handle multiline strings effortlessly.

Let's see how we can use multiline strings within template literals.

let multilineString = `This is line one
and this is line two
and this is line three`;


The output of the above code will be:

This is line one
and this is line two
and this is line three

As you can see, template literals maintain the line breaks and spacing of the text within them, which makes them an excellent choice for working with multiline strings in JavaScript.

Note: Template literals also support string interpolation, which allows you to embed expressions (variables, functions, etc.) within the string. This is another reason why they are often preferred for handling complex strings.

Use Case: Multiline Strings in Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and manipulation of strings. In JavaScript, you might come across a situation where you need to use multiline strings in your regex patterns.

For instance, let's say you want to match a pattern that spans multiple lines. Here's how you can do it:

let multilineString = `This is line one
and this is line two
and this is line three`;

let regex = /line one\nand this is line two/g;

let result = multilineString.match(regex);


The output of the above code will be:

[ 'line one\nand this is line two' ]

The \n in the regex pattern signifies a newline character, which allows the pattern to span multiple lines.

Note: When using multiline strings in regex, it's important to remember that JavaScript's regex engine treats the ^ and $ anchors as the start and end of the entire string, not individual lines. If you want to match the start or end of a line within a multiline string, you should use the multiline flag (m).

Potential Issues

While multiline strings in JavaScript can really improve readability, and thus maintainability, of your code, there are a few pitfalls that you should be aware of.

First, leading and trailing white spaces can often cause problems. For instance, consider the following code:

let str = `Hello,


The output would be:


As you can see, the leading white spaces are preserved in the output. To avoid this, you need to move the second line to the beginning of that line:

let str = `Hello,


This would then give you the expected output:


The main problem with this is that it forces you to use un-natural indentation, and thus hurts the readability of your code.

Second, if you are using template literals for multiline strings, you should be aware that any JavaScript expression within the ${} syntax will be evaluated. This could potentially lead to code injection if the string content comes from an untrusted source.

Wait! Always validate and sanitize input when using template literals with content from an untrusted source to prevent potential code injection.

Last, multiline strings may not be supported in all environments. While most modern browsers support ES6, older browsers or certain server-side environments may not. In these cases, you will need to transpile your code using a tool like Babel.


In this article, we've explored how to create multiline strings in JavaScript, both using the traditional method and the ES6 way. We've also looked at how to use heredocs and variations of multiline strings.

We then saw some use cases of multiline strings in template literals and regular expressions, and highlighted potential issues that you might encounter.

Last Updated: August 29th, 2023
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