Guide to Interfaces in Python


As you likely know, Python is a dynamically-typed, object-oriented language loved for its simplicity and readability. Its unique approach to object-oriented programming is one of its many strengths. However, if you've previously worked with statically typed languages such as Java or C#, you might find Python's way of handling interfaces to be a bit different. In fact, Python does not have built-in support for interfaces as some languages do.

Despite this, Python provides us with powerful tools to mimic the behavior of interfaces, ensuring that our code remains as clean, efficient, and understandable as possible. This guide will dig into those tools, specifically focusing on Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).

We'll start with an understanding of what interfaces are and why they're important. Then, we'll explore how Python uses the principles of Duck Typing and ABCs to simulate interfaces. Further, we'll guide you on how to use Python's built-in ABCs to define custom interfaces, and even delve into crafting your own interfaces using Python's ABCs.

Throughout this guide, we'll provide you with plenty of practical examples, shining a light on how Python interfaces can improve your code reusability, maintainability, testing, and more. We'll also give you expert advice on best practices and common pitfalls to avoid when using interfaces in Python. By the end of this guide, you'll have a well-rounded understanding of Python interfaces and the confidence to use them effectively in your projects.

Understanding Interfaces: Definitions and Differences

Before we dive into how Python handles interfaces, let's first establish a solid understanding of what interfaces are and why they are vital in programming.

At its core, an interface is a blueprint of a class. It is a contract that defines a set of methods that a class should implement.

Consider an interface like an agreement between a class and the outside world. When a class implements an interface, it promises to provide specific behavior. For instance, if we have an interface called Sortable, any class implementing this interface promises to provide a sorting method. This method, however, can be implemented in different ways, as long as the promise of providing a sort functionality is kept.

In statically typed languages like Java or C#, interfaces are a fundamental building block. They help to maintain a high level of organization, readability, and scalability in large codebases by ensuring that certain classes adhere to specific behaviors. However, it's important to understand that interfaces themselves do not contain any implementation details. They merely define the methods that need to be implemented.

Now, you might be wondering, how does this concept map to Python? After all, Python doesn't have a built-in mechanism for interfaces like Java or C#. That's where Python's dynamic nature and its principles of Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) come into play.

Rather than enforcing method definitions at compile-time (as done in statically typed languages), Python focuses on object behavior at runtime. This approach is colloquially known as "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck" or, more succinctly, Duck Typing.

Additionally, Python offers Abstract Base Classes, which are a form of providing interface-like behavior, with the added ability to enforce certain method definitions in the subclasses.

In the next sections, we will unravel how Python uses Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes to provide interface-like functionality. We'll explore these concepts in detail, showing how they contribute to Python's flexibility and power.

The Power of Interfaces in Python Programming

Even though Python does not explicitly support interfaces in the same way as some other languages, they play a pivotal role in structuring and organizing Python programs effectively. Here, interfaces aren't merely a language construct, but a design principle that helps improve code readability, maintainability, reusability, and testing.

The prime advantage of using interfaces is that they greatly enhance code readability. By defining clear, predictable behaviors through interfaces, developers can quickly understand what a class is supposed to do, without needing to scrutinize its entire implementation. This significantly reduces cognitive overhead when reading or debugging code, leading to better maintainability.

Interfaces encourage better structure and organization in your code, which can promote reusability. When a set of classes implement the same interface, it indicates that they provide a similar behavior, but are implemented differently. This allows developers to use objects of these classes interchangeably.

Interfaces are also incredibly useful in testing. When writing unit tests, it's often necessary to substitute real objects with mock objects. If these objects adhere to an interface, the process of creating mock objects becomes much more straightforward and less prone to errors. By enforcing a contract of behaviors, interfaces make it easier to reason about the system under test, reducing the likelihood of false negatives or positives in your test suite.

In Python, these benefits are realized through two main principles - Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes (ABCs). Both of these mechanisms allow us to achieve interface-like behavior, each with its unique strengths and applicabilities.

The Python Approach: Interfaces, Duck Typing, and Abstract Base Classes

Python, being a dynamically typed language, does not have explicit support for interfaces as seen in languages such as Java or C#. But Python's dynamic nature and design philosophy open up alternative paths to enforce a similar form of contract between classes and objects.

In Python, this is predominantly achieved through the principles of Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes (ABCs).

In Python, it's the object's behavior that truly matters, not its type or class. This concept, called Duck Typing, gets its name from the saying: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

Note: In essence, Duck Typing means that if an object behaves like a duck (provides duck-like methods), Python considers it a duck.

How does this relate to interfaces? Well, while Python doesn't have explicit interface declarations, any object that implements a specific set of methods can be treated as implementing a specific "interface". This flexibility allows us to create objects that can be used interchangeably, as long as they adhere to the same behavior, i.e., implement the same methods.

Any object that implements a specific set of methods can be treated as implementing a specific "interface".

While Duck Typing provides an implicit way to mimic interface-like behavior, Python also offers a more explicit way through Abstract Base Classes. An ABC is a class that contains one or more abstract methods.

An abstract method is a method declared in an ABC but doesn't contain any implementation. Subclasses of the ABC are generally expected to provide an implementation for these methods.

ABCs can be seen as a more formal way to define interfaces in Python. They define a common API for its derived classes, much like interfaces in other languages. Using ABCs, Python can enforce that certain methods are implemented in a subclass, which can be beneficial in many scenarios.

In the following sections, we will dive deeper into both Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes. We'll understand how they function, how they differ, and how they can be used to introduce interface-like behavior in your Python programs.

Demystifying Duck Typing in Python

The concept of Duck Typing is instrumental to Python's flexibility and power. Duck Typing is a principle that states that the type or class of an object is less important than the methods it defines. When you use an object, you're interested in what the object can do, rather than what it is.

To reiterate the metaphor behind the name: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". This means that if an object behaves like a duck (provides duck-like methods), Python considers it a duck and allows it to be used wherever a duck is expected.

Let's illustrate this with a simple example:

class Duck:
    def quack(self):

class Person:
    def quack(self):
        print("I'm quacking like a duck!")

def make_it_quack(creature):

duck = Duck()
person = Person()

make_it_quack(duck)  # prints: Quack!
make_it_quack(person)  # prints: I'm quacking like a duck!

The make_it_quack() function expects its argument to have a quack method. It doesn't care if the argument is a Duck or a Person or any other class - as long as it can quack, it's acceptable. This is Duck Typing in action!

Duck Typing is Python's implicit way of providing interface-like behavior. We don't need to explicitly define an interface or use keywords like "implements". If an object provides the necessary methods (adheres to the interface), it can be used interchangeably with any other object that provides the same methods.

While Duck Typing can be highly flexible, it's also easy to make mistakes since errors regarding missing methods are only caught at runtime. This is where Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) can come into play. They provide a more explicit way to define interfaces.

Abstract Base Classes (ABCs): Python's Interface Tool

Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) provide an explicit way to define interfaces in Python. They serve as a blueprint for other classes and can define a common API for its derived classes, similar to interfaces in other languages.

An ABC can define methods and properties that must be implemented by any concrete (i.e., non-abstract) classes that inherit from the ABC. In Python, an abstract method is a method declared in an ABC, but it does not contain any implementation. Subclasses of this ABC are expected to provide an implementation for this method:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Abstract Class
class AbstractBird(ABC):
    def fly(self):

# Non-Abstract Class
class Sparrow(AbstractBird):
    def fly(self):
        print("Sparrow flying")

# Non-Abstract Class
class Ostrich(AbstractBird):
    def fly(self):
        print("Ostrich trying to fly")

sparrow = Sparrow()
ostrich = Ostrich()  # prints: Sparrow flying  # prints: Ostrich trying to fly
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In this example, AbstractBird is an Abstract Base Class that defines a single abstract method fly. Sparrow and Ostrich are concrete classes that inherit from AbstractBird and provide an implementation for the fly method.

Note: You can't create an instance of an ABC itself. If you try to create an instance of AbstractBird in the above example, you'll get a TypeError. This is because an ABC serves as a template for other classes and isn't meant to be instantiated directly.

While Duck Typing is a more implicit way of dealing with interfaces in Python, ABCs offer an explicit way. ABCs allow us to enforce that certain methods are implemented in a subclass. This can help catch errors at an earlier stage, enhance code readability, and provide a clear contract for what a class should implement.

Despite their differences, both Duck Typing and Abstract Base Classes provide us with a way to define interfaces in Python.

Harnessing Python's Built-in Abstract Base Classes

Python provides several built-in Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) in the module that can serve as useful interfaces for many common data structures. They represent key interfaces in Python, like Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, MutableSequence, and many more.

These built-in ABCs provide an easy way to ensure your custom classes adhere to the expected behaviors of Python's built-in types. Let's have a look at a couple of examples!

Example 1: The Iterable Interface

In this example, we'll create the Fibonacci class that implements the built-in Iterable interface, so it can be used in a for loop:

from import Iterable

# Creating a non-abstract class
class Fibonacci(Iterable):
    def __init__(self, stop):
        self.stop = stop
        self.a = 0
        self.b = 1

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.a > self.stop:
            raise StopIteration
        value_to_return = self.a
        self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b
        return value_to_return

# Testing our class in a for loop
fib = Fibonacci(10)
for num in fib:

Which will give us:


Note: As you can se in the upper example, any class that implements the Iterable interface must implement the __iter__(self) and the __next__(self) methods.

Example 2: The Sequence Interface

If we want to implement the Sequence interface with our class, we must provide the implementations for the __len__ and __getitem__ methods. This lets us use the built-in len function and index operator on instances of our newly created class. Say we want to create the Range class as an implementation of the Sequence interface:

from import Sequence

# Creating a non-abstract class
class Range(Sequence):
    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.values = list(range(start, end))

    def __len__(self):
        return self.end - self.start

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.values[index]

# Testing our class
r = Range(1, 10)
print(len(r))  # Output: 9
print(r[5])  # Output: 6

Using these built-in ABCs from can give your custom Python classes the look and feel of built-in types. This not only makes your classes easier to use but also helps ensure they behave as expected in different contexts. However, sometimes you'll need to define your own interfaces, which is where custom ABCs come in, as we'll explore in the next section.

Crafting Custom Interfaces with Python's ABCs

While Python's built-in Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) provide interfaces for a wide range of scenarios, there may be instances where you need to define your own interfaces to meet specific requirements.

Python gives us the power to create custom ABCs that define their own unique set of abstract methods.

Let's consider an example where we want to create a system of animals, and each animal can make a unique sound. We can define an abstract method make_sound in our Animal ABC and require that each animal class provide its own implementation of this method:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Create a custom interface
class Animal(ABC):
    def make_sound(self):

class Dog(Animal):
    def make_sound(self):
        return "Woof!"

class Cat(Animal):
    def make_sound(self):
        return "Meow!"

dog = Dog()
cat = Cat()

print(dog.make_sound())  # Output: Woof!
print(cat.make_sound())  # Output: Meow!

In the above example, Animal is a custom ABC that defines the make_sound abstract method. Dog and Cat are concrete classes that inherit from Animal and provide an implementation for make_sound. As simple as that!

Note: Remember that the goal of interfaces in Python, whether achieved through Duck Typing or ABCs, is to improve the design and organization of your code.

Implementing Polymorphism with Python Interfaces

Polymorphism, a key concept in object-oriented programming, enables a single interface to represent different types of objects. It allows us to write more general and flexible code.

Interfaces, whether implemented through Duck Typing or ABCs, play a pivotal role in achieving polymorphism in Python.

Consider a situation where we have an application that supports multiple databases. Each database type (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) could implement the same interface (e.g., connect, disconnect, query). The application can then interact with any database type through this common interface, without needing to know the specific database type it's interacting with. This is polymorphism in action!

Here's a simplified example of how you could implement this using ABCs:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Create a custom interface
class Database(ABC):
    def connect(self):

    def disconnect(self):

    def query(self, sql):

# Create an implementation of the Database class
class MySQL(Database):
    def connect(self):
        return "MySQL connection established"

    def disconnect(self):
        return "MySQL connection closed"

    def query(self, sql):
        return f"Running '{sql}' on MySQL"

# Create another implementation of the Database class
class PostgreSQL(Database):
    def connect(self):
        return "PostgreSQL connection established"

    def disconnect(self):
        return "PostgreSQL connection closed"

    def query(self, sql):
        return f"Running '{sql}' on PostgreSQL"

def database_operations(database, sql):

mysql = MySQL()
postgresql = PostgreSQL()

database_operations(mysql, "SELECT * FROM users")
database_operations(postgresql, "SELECT * FROM products")

Running this code will result in:

MySQL connection established
Running 'SELECT * FROM users' on MySQL
MySQL connection closed

PostgreSQL connection established
Running 'SELECT * FROM products' on PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL connection closed

Here, the Database is an ABC defining a common interface for different database classes. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL implement this interface, meaning they can be used interchangeably in the database_operations function. This function is an example of polymorphism – it can perform operations on any object that implements the Database interface, without needing to know the specific type of database it's interacting with.

Note: Obviously, this code example has a barebones implementation of the needed methods. That way, we can focus on the concept of creating the interfaces, not the actual implementations themselves.

For any practical use cases, you'd need to manually implement the actual logic for the connect(), disconnect(), and query() methods.

Improving Testing with Interfaces in Python

Interfaces in Python play an important role in writing testable code. They allow us to write flexible tests using mock objects that adhere to the same interface as the objects they are replacing. This is especially useful when the actual objects are difficult to use in tests due to factors such as complex setup requirements or slow performance.

Note: Mock objects can implement the same methods as the real objects but provide simpler, faster implementations that are more suitable for testing. This allows tests to focus on the behavior of the system under test, without being affected by the behavior of its dependencies.

Consider a system that relies on a database. To test this system, we could create a MockDatabase class that implements the same interface as our real Database class. The MockDatabase would return hard-coded data instead of connecting to a real database, making the tests faster and easier to set up:

class MockDatabase(Database):
    def connect(self):
        return "Mock connection established"

    def disconnect(self):
        return "Mock connection closed"

    def query(self, sql):
        return f"Running '{sql}' on mock database, returning hard-coded data"

# Now use MockDatabase in tests instead of MySQL or PostgreSQL
mock_database = MockDatabase()
database_operations(mock_database, "SELECT * FROM users")

The MockDatabase class provides the same methods as the Database ABC, meaning it can be used in any code that expects a Database object. The tests can run without a real database, making them easier to write and faster to run.

This is just one example of how interfaces can improve testing in Python. By designing your system around interfaces, you can make your code more modular, flexible, and testable. It helps to ensure each part of your system can be tested independently, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.

Python Interface Usage: Tips and Tricks

While Python's approach to interfaces provides a great deal of flexibility, it's important to follow certain best practices and be aware of potential pitfalls. Let's go over a few key points to keep in mind when working with interfaces in Python.

  1. Use interfaces to define roles, not implementations
    • Interfaces should focus on what a class should do, not how it does it. This encourages encapsulation and makes your code more flexible.
  2. Adhere to the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
    • LSP, a key principle of object-oriented design, states that if a program is using a base class, it should be able to use any of its subclasses without the program knowing it. In other words, a subclass should be able to do everything that its superclass can.
  3. Avoid multiple inheritances when possible
    • Python does allow a class to inherit from multiple superclasses, but this can often lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. In general, prefer composition over inheritance, especially multiple inheritance.
  4. Don't overuse interfaces
    • While interfaces can be a powerful tool, overusing them can lead to over-engineered and overly complex code. Always question whether an interface is needed before creating one.
  5. Try not to rely too much on Duck Typing
    • While Duck Typing provides great flexibility, it can also lead to hard-to-diagnose runtime errors if an object doesn't implement all the methods it's expected to. Consider using Abstract Base Classes for larger systems or critical code where these errors could have a significant impact.
  6. Don't violate the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
    • An interface should have only one responsibility. If you find that an interface has multiple responsibilities, it's usually better to split it into multiple smaller interfaces.


Interfaces play a pivotal role in crafting robust, scalable, and maintainable Python applications. By acting as contracts that enforce certain behaviors across various classes, interfaces improve code readability and provide the necessary structure for creating large-scale systems.

Python takes a flexible and practical approach to interfaces, embracing both explicit interfaces through Abstract Base Classes and implicit interfaces via Duck Typing. This flexibility allows you to choose the right tool for your specific needs, encouraging effective programming practices without imposing rigid rules.

Through this guide, we explored the fundamental concepts surrounding interfaces in Python, and you should now have a solid foundation to start utilizing them in your own projects. As with any tool, the key to effective use lies in understanding its strengths, limitations, and appropriate use cases. Remember to adhere to good practices, like Liskov Substitution Principle and Single Responsibility Principle, and be cautious of pitfalls such as overusing interfaces or relying too heavily on Duck Typing.

Last Updated: June 26th, 2023
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