Guide to the HAVING Clause in MySQL


As you dive deeper into crafting complex MySQL queries to extract insights from your data, you'll likely come across the HAVING clause.

If you're not familiar with HAVING, fear not! It's a powerful tool that lets you filter the results of an SQL query based on conditions that are applied after the data has been grouped by a column. In other words, it allows you to aggregate data in a specific way and filter the results based on that aggregation.

In this guide, we'll take a deep dive into the HAVING clause in MySQL. We'll begin by defining what HAVING is and how it differs from WHERE. Next, we'll cover the syntax and parameters of the HAVING clause, including aggregate functions, comparison operators, and logical operators. We'll provide examples of how to use HAVING in various scenarios, such as filtering based on the average of a column and grouping results by a column, and we'll discuss best practices for using HAVING effectively.

By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to use the HAVING clause to filter, group, and aggregate your data in MySQL. So, let's get started!

The Basics of the HAVING Clause

In MySQL, the HAVING clause is used to filter the results of a query that has been grouped by one or more columns. The HAVING clause is applied after the GROUP BY clause and allows you to specify conditions that must be met by the groups that are formed by the GROUP BY clause.

The HAVING clause differs from the WHERE clause in that it is used specifically for filtering results based on the values of aggregated data. The WHERE clause, on the other hand, is used for filtering results based on individual row values. In other words, the WHERE clause filters rows, whereas the HAVING clause filters groups.

Let's take a look at an example to illustrate the difference between WHERE and HAVING. Say you have a table of sales data that includes the salesperson's name, the date of the sale, and the amount of the sale. You want to find the total amount of sales made by each salesperson. You could write a query like this:

SELECT name, SUM(amount)
FROM sales
GROUP BY name;

This query would give you the total amount of sales for each salesperson. But what if you only want to see the results for salespeople who have made more than $10,000 in sales? This is where the HAVING clause comes in. You could modify the query like this:

SELECT name, SUM(amount)
FROM sales
HAVING SUM(amount) > 10000;

In this modified query, the HAVING clause filters the groups formed by the GROUP BY clause based on the condition that the sum of the amounts for each group must be greater than $10,000. The result will only include the salespeople who meet this condition.

That's the basics of the HAVING clause in MySQL! In the next section, we'll explore the syntax and parameters of the HAVING clause in more detail.

Syntax and Parameters of HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause in MySQL is used to filter the results of a query that has been grouped by one or more columns. The syntax for the HAVING clause is as follows:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition;

The condition in the HAVING clause is used to filter the results based on the values of aggregated data. The parameters that can be used in the HAVING clause include aggregate functions, comparison operators, and logical operators. Let's take a look at each of them.

Aggregate Functions

Aggregate functions are used to perform calculations on a set of values and return a single value. Some examples of aggregate functions include SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, and MAX. The aggregate function is applied to the column(s) specified in the SELECT statement and can be used in the HAVING clause to filter the results based on the aggregate value.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Some examples of comparison operators include =, >, <, >=, <=, and <> (not equal to). Comparison operators can be used in the HAVING clause to compare the aggregate value to a specific value or to another aggregate value.

Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple conditions and return a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Some examples of logical operators include AND, OR, and NOT. Logical operators can be used in the HAVING clause to combine multiple conditions and filter the results based on more complex criteria.

Now that we understand all this, we can take a look at an example to illustrate the use of parameters in the HAVING clause:

SELECT product, SUM(quantity)
FROM sales
GROUP BY product
HAVING SUM(quantity) > 100 AND AVG(price) < 10;

In this example, the HAVING clause filters the results to include only the products that have sold more than 100 units and have an average price less than $10. The SUM and AVG aggregate functions are used to calculate the total quantity sold and the average price of each product, respectively. The > and <comparison operators are used to compare these aggregate values to the specified criteria. Finally, the AND logical operator is used to combine the two conditions.

That's the syntax and parameters of the HAVING clause in MySQL! In the next section, we'll provide examples of how to use the HAVING clause in various scenarios.

Examples of HAVING Clause

Now that we've covered the basics and syntax of the HAVING clause in MySQL, let's dive into some examples of how to use it in different scenarios.

Finding the Average of a Column and Filtering Based on the Average

Suppose we have a table called grades that contains information about students' grades in a class. We want to find the average grade and return only the results where the average is greater than or equal to 90. Here's how we can use the HAVING clause to achieve this:

SELECT student_name, AVG(grade)
FROM grades
GROUP BY student_name
HAVING AVG(grade) >= 90;

This query groups the results by student_name and calculates the average grade for each student. The HAVING clause filters the results to only include students whose average grade is greater than or equal to 90.

Grouping Results by a Column and Filtering Based on the Number of Results in Each Group

Suppose we have a table called orders that contains information about customer orders. We want to find the customers who have placed more than five orders:

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(order_id)
FROM orders
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING COUNT(order_id) > 5;

This query groups the results by customer_id and counts the number of orders for each customer. The HAVING clause filters the results to only include customers who have placed more than five orders.

Combining Multiple Conditions in the HAVING Clause

Suppose you have a table called employees that contains data on employee salaries and job titles. You want to find the job titles where the average salary is greater than 50000 and the number of employees in that job title is greater than 3:

SELECT job_title, AVG(salary) as avg_salary, COUNT(*) as num_employees
FROM employees
GROUP BY job_title
HAVING AVG(salary) > 50000 AND COUNT(*) > 3;

This query will group the employee data by job_title, calculate the average salary for each job title, count the number of employees in each job title, and then filter out the results where the average salary is less than or equal to 50000 or the number of employees is less than or equal to 3.

Best Practices for Using HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause is an essential component of SQL queries that allows you to filter the results of aggregate functions. It can be incredibly powerful when used correctly, but it can also lead to confusion and inefficient queries if used incorrectly. In this section, we will discuss some best practices for using the HAVING clause effectively:

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  • Understand the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses

    • The WHERE clause is used to filter individual rows based on certain conditions, while the HAVING clause is used to filter groups of rows based on aggregate values. It's important to understand this distinction because using the wrong clause can result in incorrect results or poor query performance.
  • Use aggregate functions in the HAVING clause

    • The HAVING clause is used to filter the results of aggregate functions such as SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, and AVG. Be sure to include at least one aggregate function in your HAVING clause to ensure that you are filtering based on group-level results.
  • Use aliases to make your queries more readable

    • Aliases can make your SQL queries much easier to read and understand, especially when working with complex queries. Consider using aliases for aggregate functions in your HAVING clause to make it more readable.
  • Use logical operators to combine conditions

    • You can use logical operators such as AND and OR to combine multiple conditions in your HAVING clause. This can be useful when you need to filter your results based on multiple criteria.
  • Use subqueries to filter results

    • Subqueries can be used to filter the results of aggregate functions in the HAVING clause. This can be useful when you need to filter results based on values that are not directly available in the main query.
  • Avoid using HAVING clauses unnecessarily

    • While the HAVING clause can be useful in many situations, it should not be used unnecessarily. If you only need to filter individual rows, use the WHERE clause instead.
  • Be mindful of query performance

    • The HAVING clause can be expensive in terms of query performance, especially when working with large datasets. Be mindful of the impact of your queries on performance, and consider optimizing your queries where necessary.

By following these best practices, you can use the HAVING clause effectively to filter and aggregate data in MySQL queries.


In this guide, we covered the basics of the HAVING clause in MySQL, including how it differs from the WHERE clause and how to use it with aggregate functions, comparison operators, and logical operators. We also provided examples of how to use the HAVING clause in various scenarios, such as filtering based on the average of a column or the number of results in each group.

We discussed best practices for using the HAVING clause in MySQL queries, including using it with GROUP BY, avoiding unnecessary calculations, and using appropriate comparison and logical operators. We also highlighted additional tips and considerations, such as the order of operations in SQL, using alias names for aggregate functions, being careful with NULL values, and using subqueries when necessary.

Overall, the HAVING clause is a powerful tool for filtering and aggregating data in MySQL queries. It allows you to perform complex calculations on groups of data and filter the results based on the results of those calculations. By mastering the HAVING clause and following best practices, you can unlock the full potential of MySQL for data analysis and make more informed decisions based on your data.

Last Updated: April 26th, 2023
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