There are several reasons why you might want to check if a column is NULL in MySQL: To filter query results - You might want to exclude rows with NULL values from your query results. For example, you might want to get a list of all users who have provided...
Dimitrije Stamenic
In Bash, a new line refers to the end of a line of text and the beginning of a new one. When a command is executed in Bash, the output is often displayed on the terminal with each line of text ending in a new line. The new line character...
As a Node.js backend developer, you will agree that by default, Node.js is very bare bones, and makes no assumptions about what you need while building an app. As a result, you are in charge of setting up everything that you want to use across an app, including...
Uchechukwu Azubuko
Back in the days when modularity in Javascript was introduced, there was no way to support modules within web browsers. To fix this issue, module bundlers such as Parcel, Webpack, and Rollup were developed. These helped to optimize multiple modules into a production-ready bundle, which can be executed by browsers....
A robust modern-day application has a medium of storing data at its backend such as Node application which is able to work with both non-relational (such as PostgresQL, MongoDB) and relational (such as MySQL, Oracle). MongoDB is a non-relational database that is relatively easy to use and powerful, and if...
In Python, functions are objects: they can be assigned to variables, can be returned from other functions, stored in lists or dicts and passed as parameters for other functions. Consider, for example, the map() built-in function. Its syntax is map(function, iterable) and it is used to handily apply function...
Felipe Antunes
File upload is very ubiquitous to any web application and when it comes to uploading files and resources over the internet (on a browser), things can be somewhat stressful. Fortunately, with HTML 5, input elements which usually come with form control to allow users to modify data can become so...
Python's json library has many utilities for encoding and decoding data in JSON format. In particular, the json.load() method decodes an JSON read as a file, and the json.loads() decode an JSON read as a string. In general, when decoding JSON files, the data is converted to Python...
The switch statement is a powerful and convenient tool for controlling the flow of your program. It allows you to quickly and easily create multiple branches of code, depending on the value of a given variable or expression. It's commonly used when you need to execute different logic depending on...
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