When dealing with large amounts of data or files, you might find yourself needing to compress files into a more manageable format. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a zip archive. In this article, we'll be exploring how you can create a zip archive of...
Scott Robinson
Python provides some very convenient ways to work with file-like objects, including the with feature. But what if we need to open multiple files in this way? Your could wouldn't exactly be "clean" if you had a bunch of nested with open statements. In this article, we'll show...
Python is not necessarily known for its speed, but there are certain things that can help you squeeze out a bit more performance from your code. Surprisingly, one of these practices is running code in a function rather than in the global scope. In this article, we'll see why Python...
In this article we'll be showing how to select and manipulate CSS pseudo-elements, specifically ::before and ::after, using JavaScript and jQuery. As a web developer, you've likely at least seen these pseudo-elements in a CSS file, but may not have had the chance to interact with them programmatically. This article...
While learning Python or reading someone else's code, you may have encountered the 'u' and 'r' prefixes and raw string literals. But what do these terms mean? How do they affect our Python code? In this article, we will attemp to demystify these concepts and understand their usage in Python....
Whether you're reading data from files or writing data to files, understanding file operations is important. In Python, and other languages, we often need to copy files from one directory to another, or even within the same directory. This article will guide you through the process of copying files in...
React.js uses a number of unique concepts that can initially seem a bit confusing. One such concept is the use of keys, particularly when working with component arrays. Why and how do we use these keys? This article aims to explain the use of unique keys for array children...
As a web developer, you've likely encountered the need to persist data across different sessions or even tabs in a browser. This is where HTML5's localStorage and sessionStorage come in handy. These two web storage objects allow you to store data right in the user's browser, no server-side code required....
JavaScript, although only single-threaded, is an asynchronous language. In the beginning, it only used callbacks for asynchronous tasks, but ES6 introduced the concept of a promise, which made these tasks much easier to work with. The problem, however, is that many of the early libraries and APIs use callbacks, and...
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