If you've been working with JavaScript, you've probably come across the term export default and wondered what it is or how it works. This Byte is meant for developers with a basic understanding of JavaScript, who are looking to deepen their knowledge of the language's intricacies. We'll be taking a...
Scott Robinson
Javascript Syntax Extension (JSX), is a JavaScript extension developed and popularized by the React framework that allows you to structure the rendering of elements. It essentially makes it easier to write HTML code in React (describe the UI), and due to its flexibility, JSX has been adopted by other popular...
Asaolu Elijah
Getting the last element of a list/array is a common operation. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to get the last element in a JavaScript array/list. JavaScript is a weakly-typed or untyped language, which means that the type of variable doesn't need to be declared...
Lazar Ristic
If you wanted to select elements from an array or object before the ES2015 update to JavaScript, you would have to individually select them or use a loop. The ES2015 specification introduced the destructuring assignment, a quicker way to retrieve array elements or object properties into variables. In this article,...
Guest Contributor
JavaScript's Fetch API allows us to send HTTP requests. It's been a standard part of JavaScript since ECMAScript 2015 (commonly known as ES6) was introduced and uses Promises. This article will first show you how requests were made with vanilla JavaScript before the Fetch API was developed. We will then...
Arpan Abhishek
In this article, we are going to talk about JavaScript proxies which were introduced with JavaScript version ECMAScript 6 (ES6). We will use some of the existing ES6 syntax, including the spread operator in this article. So it will be helpful if you have some basic knowledge about ES6. What...
Janith Kasun
If you are a JavaScript developer, you may know that JavaScript conforms to the ECMAScript (ES) standards. The ES6, or ECMAScript 2015 specifications, had introduced some of the revolutionary specifications for JavaScript, like Arrow Functions, Classes, Rest and Spread operators, Promises, let and const, etc. In this tutorial, we'll focus...
Shadab Ansari
Edit: Updated code to Camo v0.12.1 First of all, Camo is a new class-based ES6 ODM for MongoDB and Node. With mainstream ES6 quickly approaching us, I thought we were long overdue for an ODM that took advantage of the new features, so I created Camo. What bothered...
Edit: Updated Camo code to v0.12.1 Camo is an ES6 ODM with class-based models. A few of its main features are: dead-simple schema declaration, intuitive schema inheritance, and support for multiple database backends. A simple Camo model might look like this: var Document = require('camo').Document;...
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