In Java, or even many other languages, you may have run into an error like "index 0 out of bounds for length 0". Especially for beginners, this might seem like a confusing error, given that you know array indexes start at 0. This error actually occurs when your...
Guest Contributor
The security of users and their personal data while using a web application is paramount. While this guiding principle has been acknowledged even from the early stages of web development - bad actors find loopholes in applications, and may exploit your users. Many "standard" attacks are well-known and...
David Landup
AWS SES (Simple Email Service) is a simple-to-setup email sending and receiving service. It is usually difficult, finicky and tedious to manage an on-premise email system, so outsourcing the process is a popular choice. We can use Amazon SES to send transactional emails, marketing emails, or any other kind of...
Arpendu Kumar Garai
YAML is one of the most popular data serialization language after JSON. Therefore, it’s sometimes called as a strict superset of JSON. It has been designed for human interaction and readability right from the beginning, hence, it’s known for its simplicity. It is designed with flexibility and accessibility...
Turning a collection of numbers (or objects whose fields you'd like to inspect) into a distribution of those numbers is a common statistical technique, and is employed in various contexts in reporting and data-driven applications. Given a collection: 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3 You...
Null values arise a lot in software development, and proper handling of null values can be turned into a science in and of itself. Jackson is the de facto library for serialization and deserialization of Java objects - and a common scenario pertains to serializing objects that have null fields....
When writing Java code - every once in a while when updating your JDK, JRE or project versions, you'll bump into an Unsupported Class File Major Version XX error. This error can be frustrating and can prevent the program from running as expected. In this Byte, we will explain what...
Java Streams have been introduced all the way back in Java 8 in 2014, in an effort to introduce verbose Java to a Functional Programming paradigm. Java Streams expose many flexible and powerful functional operations to perform collection processing in one-liners. Filtering collections based on some predicate remains one of...
During textual processing, whether you're searching for certain words and making pattern matching rules, counting the frequency of elements, etc. - punctuation can throw a wrench in your plans. Oftentimes, you'll want to remove stopwords, punctuation, digits or otherwise some category of characters, depending on what your end goal is....
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