CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, a method of formatting data which has been used even before the use of personal computers became widespread. The format gained popularity because the first computers used punched cards to process data, and comma separated values are easier to 'punch' in than traditional table-formatted...
Jean Fernando
This is the first article in a short series dedicated to Libraries for Reading and Writing CSVs in Java. Reading and Writing CSVs in Core Java Owning to the popularity and widespread use of CSV as a format for data transfer, there are many parser libraries that can be used...
Design Patterns are simply sets of standardized practices used in the software development industry. They represent solutions, provided by the community, to common problems faced in every-day tasks regarding software development. There's a myriad of design patterns, and you're probably familiar with some of them already. Being familiar with them...
David Landup
In this article, we'll be diving into Configuring Spring Boot Properties. Spring allows developers to configure a vast amount of properties for their projects. Spring Boot, besides allowing developers to start off with a project from scratch a lot more easily and time friendly than Spring, also makes it a...
Dhananjay Singh
Apache Spark is an in-memory distributed data processing engine that is used for processing and analytics of large data-sets. Spark presents a simple interface for the user to perform distributed computing on the entire cluster. Spark does not have its own file systems, so it has to depend on the...
Chandan Singh
Spring Data is an umbrella project which contains many submodules, each specific to a particular database. In this article, we'll be covering Spring Data MongoDB by building an application that stores and retrieves data from MongoDB, a document based NO-SQL database. If you'd like to read more about Spring Data,...
By definition, web scraping refers to the process of extracting a significant amount of information from a website using scripts or programs. Such scripts or programs allow one to extract data from a website, store it and present it as designed by the creator. The data collected can also be...
Robley Gori
The first action a customer takes after visiting a website is creating an account, usually to place an order, book an appointment, pay for a service, etc. When creating an account it is important to persist the correct email address in the system and verify the user's ownership. A common...
Guest Contributor
These days, password policies are very common and exist on most platforms online. While certain users don't really like them, there's a reason why they exist – making passwords safer. You've most certainly had experience with applications forcing certain rules for your password like the minimum or maximum number of characters...
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