In this tutorial, we will learn how to create rhythms using the Rhythm class, how to use JFugue's built-in RhythmKit to conveniently create rhythm, and how to apply different rhythm instruments to our song. We will also cover how to save our music to a MIDI file using the JFugue,...
Ruslan Hasanov
In this guide, we will learn how to create and manipulate chords and chord progressions, how to use setKey(), distribute() and allChordsAs()methods of the ChordProgression class, and how to play different patterns simultaneously by using voices in JFugue. This is the second part of the three-part tutorial series, in...
JFugue is an open-source Music library that allows you to play and compose MIDI music using the Java programming language. It uses their "Staccato" format to parse strings of musical instructions. By using JFugue, you can convert the Staccato strings into a MIDI file, as well as import...
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