One of the most common resources you'll interact with in a language like Node.js (primarily a web-focused language) are databases. And with SQL being the most common of all the different types, you'll need a good library to help you interact with it and its many features. Bookshelf.js...
Scott Robinson
It is often considered best practice to create getters and setters for a class's public properties. Many languages allow you to implement this in different ways, either by using a function (like person.getName()), or by using a language-specific get or set construct. In Python, it is done using @property....
When using NPM to install a module for a project, you may encounter a frustrating error like this: $ npm install express --save npm http GET npm ERR! Error: failed to fetch from registry: express npm ERR! at /opt/node0610/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/...
If you read one of my earlier posts on how to install Node.js, you probably noticed there are quite a few ways to install it on your computer. This could be from a package manager, from the source code, or from a pre-compiled binary distribution. So, what do you...
Over the past few years, a new type of communication started to emerge on the web and in mobile apps, called websockets. This protocol has been long-awaited and was finally standardized by the IETF in 2011, paving the way for widespread use. This new protocol opens up a much faster...
There are quite a few ways to solve a problem in programming, and this holds true especially in Python. Many times you'll find that multiple built-in or standard modules serve essentially the same purpose, but with slightly varying functionality. Checking if a file or directory exists using Python is definitely...
We all know Node.js is great at handling lots of events asynchronously, but what a lot of people don't know is that all of this is done on a single thread. Node.js actually is not multi-threaded, so all of these requests are just being handled in the event...
As with just about any open source software package, there are quite a few ways to install Python on Mac OSX. I figured it would be helpful to detail a few of the easiest ways to install Python, including the following: Homebrew Packaged binaries From Source These are the most...
Asynchronous programming has been gaining a lot of traction in the past few years, and for good reason. Although it can be more difficult than the traditional linear style, it is also much more efficient. For example, instead of waiting for an HTTP request to finish before continuing execution, with...
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