Sorting, although a basic operation, is one of the most important operations a computer should perform. It is a building block in many other algorithms and procedures, such as searching and merging. Knowing different sorting algorithms could help you better understand the ideas behind the different algorithms, as well as...
Sajjad Heydari
For most people, Bubble Sort is likely the first sorting algorithm they heard of in their Computer Science course. It's highly intuitive and easy to "translate" into code, which is important for new software developers so they can ease themselves into turning ideas into a form that can...
Olivera Popović
Heap Sort is another example of an efficient sorting algorithm. Its main advantage is that it has a great worst-case runtime of \(O(nlogn)\) regardless of the input data. As the name suggests, Heap Sort relies heavily on the heap data structure - a common implementation of a Priority Queue....
Creational Design Patterns, as the name implies, deal with the creation of classes or objects. They serve to abstract away the specifics of classes so that we'd be less dependent on their exact implementation, or so that we wouldn't have to deal with complex construction whenever we need them, or...
Darinka Zobenica
Design Patterns are reusable models for solving known and common problems in software architecture. They're best described as templates for dealing with a certain usual situation. An architect might have a template for designing certain kinds of door-frames which he fits into many of his projects, and a software engineer,...
Merge Sort is one of the most famous sorting algorithms. If you're studying Computer Science, Merge Sort, alongside Quick Sort is likely the first efficient, general-purpose sorting algorithm you have heard of. It is also a classic example of a divide-and-conquer category of algorithms. The Idea Behind the Merge Sort...
A list is one of the fundamental data types in Python. Every time you come across a variable name that's followed by a square bracket [], or a list constructor, it is a list capable of containing multiple items, making it a compound data type. Similarly, it is also a breeze...
Guest Contributor
If you're majoring in Computer Science, Insertion Sort is most likely one of the first sorting algorithms you have heard of. It is intuitive and easy to implement, but it's very slow on large arrays and is rarely used to sort them. Insertion Sort is very simple and intuitive to...
Quicksort is a popular sorting algorithm and is often used, right alongside Merge Sort. It's a good example of an efficient sorting algorithm, with an average complexity of \(O(nlogn)\). Part of its popularity also derives from the ease of implementation. We will use simple integers in the first part...
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