The ability to check if a string contains any element from a list is used in a wide range of applications, like text filtering, data validation, and natural language processing. Imagine you're building a chat application and you want to implement a profanity filter; you could have a list of...
Scott Robinson
Ever wondered how to manage sensitive data like API keys, database credentials or configuration settings in your Node.js applications? The answer lies with environment variables. This Byte will give a brief intro to environment variables, why they are important, and then we'll explore how to read them in Node....
In programming, we often need to deal with dates and times, which can be represented in a few different ways, like an object (via Date), a string (i.e. "2023-10-04T00:00:00.000Z"), or a timestamp (i.e. 1696377600000). In this Byte, we'll explore how to convert a...
Welcome to this Byte! We're going to take a closer look at the infamous npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: 'make' failed with exit code: 2. This error message might seem like a jumble of words and symbols, but it's actually a cry for help from your npm installation. We'll...
In frontend web development, you can provide a better experience to your users by dynamically changing elements or their state based on some conditions. One example of this is enabling or disabling HTML inputs, which we can do via jQuery. In this Byte, we'll explore how to do that and...
We'll be looking at a peculiar issue that you may have encountered while working with AJAX and jQuery - the AJAX request returns a 200 OK status, but an error event is triggered. Things like this can be puzzling and frustrating, especially since the request returned a 200 OK status....
In this Byte, we'll see how to detect a user's browser type and version using JavaScript. This might seem like it should be a trivial task, but that's not always the case. It can be quite beneficial when creating responsive and user-friendly web applications. We'll be looking into why it's...
Python has a rich ecosystem of libraries that make it an ideal language for data analysis. One of those libraries is pandas, which simplifies the process of reading and writing data between in-memory data structures and different file formats. However, while working with Excel files using pandas.read_excel, you...
In this Byte we'll try to help you understand and fix a common npm error - "npm ERR! code ENOTEMPTY". If you've been working with Node.js and npm, chances are you've encountered this error at some point. But don't worry, we'll do our best to demystify it...
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