How to use PGP in Camel Routes

Apache Camel is a powerful enterprise routing framework that can be used to send information any which way, with just about any protocol you'd want to use. And it's no secret how important encryption is, so using the two together just makes sense.

PGP, specifically, stands for "Pretty Good Privacy" and has become one of the most popular encryption algorithms in recent years. It is often used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting any kind of data, including text, emails, or even an entire disk partition.

The Code

And now on to the code:

// Public Key FileName
final String keyFileName = "/path/to/public.gpg";

// Private Key FileName
final String keyFileNameSec = "/path/to/private.gpg";

// Keyring Userid Used to Encrypt
final String keyUserid = "userid_for_key";

// Private key password
final String keyPassword = "sooper_sekret_pass";

CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();

context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
          .multicast().to("direct:original", "direct:encrypt");

        // Save the original input
        // Encrypts and saves the input
          .marshal().pgp(keyFileName, keyUserid)
          .to("direct:unencrypt", "file:C:\\Users\\srobin\\Desktop\\crypto?fileName=encrypted.txt");
        // Decrypts and saves the output
          .unmarshal().pgp(keyFileNameSec, keyUserid, keyPassword)

This simple example is mostly just a proof of concept to show how you might encrypt and decrypt data using PGP and Camel, but it gets the point across as to how you'd use it in a real system.

Essentially what the code above is doing is taking in data from the stream input and directing it to two different paths. The first is the direct:original route, which just saves the input to a file so you can view it later.

The second route it's sent to is direct:encrypt, which then marshals the data using the PGP algorithm and the key we provided. From there, the output is then saved to a file so you can inspect the encrypted data and sent to another route that will actually decrypt it for you (so you can see the whole process).

The final route, direct:unencrypt, just takes in data encrypted with our public key and decrypts it with our secret key, eventually saving it to a file.

Since the data is saved at every point of the route, you can verify that the data is indeed encrypted and decrypted.

If you're using Maven, don't forget to add the following to your POM:



Last Updated: December 16th, 2015
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