In bash scripts, assigning the output of a command to variables can be convenient by storing the outputs of the commands and using them later. In this short guide, we will take a look at how you can store the output of a command as a variable in Bash. The...
Guest Contributor
Suppose you want your Keras model to have some specific behavior during training, evaluation or prediction. For instance, you might want to save your model at every training epoch. One way of doing this is using Callbacks. In general, Callbacks are functions that are called when some event happens, and...
Felipe Antunes
In improving the user experience on any website with a lot of content on its web pages, it is common for frontend developers to implement a scroll-to-top functionality through a button, to make things more enjoyable and convenient for users. While users can use the command + up arrow on a...
Uchechukwu Azubuko
YAML is one of the most popular data serialization language after JSON. Therefore, it’s sometimes called as a strict superset of JSON. It has been designed for human interaction and readability right from the beginning, hence, it’s known for its simplicity. It is designed with flexibility and accessibility...
Arpendu Kumar Garai
Turning a collection of numbers (or objects whose fields you'd like to inspect) into a distribution of those numbers is a common statistical technique, and is employed in various contexts in reporting and data-driven applications. Given a collection: 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3 You...
David Landup
Null values arise a lot in software development, and proper handling of null values can be turned into a science in and of itself. Jackson is the de facto library for serialization and deserialization of Java objects - and a common scenario pertains to serializing objects that have null fields....
Java Streams have been introduced all the way back in Java 8 in 2014, in an effort to introduce verbose Java to a Functional Programming paradigm. Java Streams expose many flexible and powerful functional operations to perform collection processing in one-liners. Filtering collections based on some predicate remains one of...
The echo command outputs a given string to the standard output pipe, typically pointing to the terminal. Although the standard output pipe can point to other interfaces - the echo command is typically used to print and display messages in the terminal. By default, the text of the displayed message...
Object detection has been gaining steam, and improvements are being made to several approaches to solving it. In the past couple of years, YOLO-based methods have been outperforming others in terms of accuracy and speed, with recent advancements such as YOLOv7 and YOLOv6 (which was released independently, after YOLOv7). However...
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