When creating React applications that fetch content from external sources that take some time to load, it is always a good idea to provide a pleasant user experience by engaging users and keeping their attention with a loader, as this helps users understand what is going on rather than leaving...
Joel Olawanle
When developing web applications with Vue.js that have many pages and incorporate many features such as logging in, authentication, carting, as well as a good deal of CRUD applications, we will need to implement routing at some point, which involves redirecting a user from one page to another either...
Vue is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to create components that are used to divide the user interface into smaller pieces, rather than building the entire UI in a single file. When using components, we may want to pass data down from the parent component to the child component...
Interfaces in Java are one of the basic concepts of object-oriented programming that are used quite often alongside classes and abstract classes. An interface represents a reference type, meaning that it is essentially just a specification that a particular class that implements it needs to obey. Interfaces can contain only...
Branko Ilic
When working with strings or large amounts of text, you are probably going to encounter situations where you need to count how many times a specific substring occurred within another string. In this article, we'll take a look at how to use JavaScript to count the number of substring occurrences...
Calculating the square root of a number is one of the common operations we do in computer science. This simple mathematical function finds its use in all areas of programming - be it in algorithms or any other mathematical model we wish to represent, we'll most likely use square roots...
When working with forms in JavaScript, you'll typically need to convert form data to a JavaScript object (JSON) in order to populate an array, database, local storage, send it to an API, or even consume the data in your application. Conversion between form data and JSON is one of the...
A ternary operator is a three-operand operator that is supported in most programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, and many others. It is also referred to as a conditional operator because it is considered to be a more concise alternative to the conditional (if-else) statement. In this guide, we...
When a developer creates an application, the next step is to share it with friends or the public so that everyone can access it. That process of transferring code from a development environment to a hosting platform where it is served to end users is called deployment. Hosting used to...
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