One of my absolute favorite things about Node is how easy it is to create simple command line interface (CLI) tools. Between argument parsing with yargs to managing tools with npm, Node just makes it easy. Some examples of the kinds of tools I'm referring to are: forever uglifyjs is-up-cli...
Scott Robinson
Within the past 6 months alone, Node.js has gone from v0.12.x to v5.1.x. There were 35+ releases in that time period, with each one adding some significant functionality or bugs fixes. A big part of this jump was the merging of io.js in to...
JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages out there today, and for good reason. It can easily be run in your browser, on a server, on your desktop, or even on your phone as an app. One of the most popular and easiest ways to write JavaScript...
For as popular as this JavaScript run-time has become, you might be surprised to find out that it actually still isn't very easy to install Node.js on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. It's still more of a manual process than it should be. I find myself Googling this just...
By default, Node.js is fairly secure by itself. Although, there are definitely things you have to watch out for. If your Node web-app starts to get more and more popular, for example, you'll need to be thinking more and more about security to ensure that you're keeping your users'...
Do you ever wonder what's going on within all of the Express.js middleware that you're adding to your webapp? It's actually pretty impressive what kind of functionality you can add to your apps with just one line of code, or a few: // requires... var app = express(); app.use("...
User authentication is one of those things that you probably don't think too much about, but just about every website or app out there requires it. If you had to implement authentication yourself, could you? Well don't worry, you probably won't have to. Since this functionality is so common, just...
For many people, actually running your code in a production environment is an afterthought, and just writing the code is where the real challenge is. While this is mostly true in my experiences, finding a reliable and easy way to run your app can be pretty difficult itself. There are...
Cron is a scheduling utility that runs as a daemon process in the background of Unix-like systems. It's extremely popular for running periodic tasks, which can be anything you choose, like initiating a backup or clearing data from a database. You can add tasks to Cron via the command line...
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