The Random Forest algorithm is one of the most flexible, powerful and widely-used algorithms for classification and regression, built as an ensemble of Decision Trees. If you aren't familiar with these - no worries, we'll cover all of these concepts. In this in-depth hands-on guide, we'll build an intuition on...
Cássia Sampaio
Whether you're building a verification script for user input, a login form that requests users to include a character in a password - checking whether a string contains a character isn't an uncommon operation. In this tutorial - we'll take a look at the many ways you can check whether...
Guest Contributor
In this guide, we'll take a look at how to read and write JSON data from and to a file in Python, using the json module. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an extremely popular format for data serialization, given how generally applicable and lightweight it is - while also being...
Scott Robinson
The Random Forest algorithm is a tree-based supervised learning algorithm that uses an ensemble of predictions of many decision trees, either to classify a data point or determine its approximate value. This means it can either be used for classification or regression. When applied for classification, the class of the...
Suppose you want your Keras model to have some specific behavior during training, evaluation or prediction. For instance, you might want to save your model at every training epoch. One way of doing this is using Callbacks. In general, Callbacks are functions that are called when some event happens, and...
Felipe Antunes
XOR, short for exclusive OR, is a logical operation that takes two operands and returns a boolean value of True if and only if exactly one of the operands is True. In Python, we can perform the XOR operation on two or more values using a variety of methods/operators,...
Object detection has been gaining steam, and improvements are being made to several approaches to solving it. In the past couple of years, YOLO-based methods have been outperforming others in terms of accuracy and speed, with recent advancements such as YOLOv7 and YOLOv6 (which was released independently, after YOLOv7). However...
David Landup
Object detection is a large field in computer vision, and one of the more important applications of computer vision "in the wild". From it, keypoint detection (oftentimes used for pose estimation) was extracted. Keypoints can be various points - parts of a face, limbs of a body, etc....
Object detection is a large field in computer vision, and one of the more important applications of computer vision "in the wild". From it, instance segmentation was extracted, and is tasked with having models predict not only the label and bounding box of an object, but also the...
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