Object detection is a large field in computer vision, and one of the more important applications of computer vision "in the wild". On one end, it can be used to build autonomous systems that navigate agents through environments - be it robots performing tasks or self-driving cars, but...
David Landup
In Python, you can merge two dictionaries in many different ways - but thanks to the introduction of Python 3.5, there are a couple of interesting ways you can merge two dictionaries in a single expression. Note: Just to clarify, merging two dictionaries implies creating a new dictionary that...
Dimitrije Stamenic
The advantage to having a ternary conditional operator is that it allows for shorter if/else statements, which can more easily be included in-line in other code blocks. Python is no different from other programming languages in that it also has a ternary conditional operator. The syntax is as follows:...
Scott Robinson
There are plenty of guides explaining how transformers work, and for building an intuition on a key element of them - token and position embedding. Positionally embedding tokens allowed transformers to represent non-rigid relationships between tokens (usually, words), which is much better at modeling our context-driven speech in language modeling....
Python's input() function reads any input as a string by default. Therefore you need to manually convert it to the actual data type you'd like to use. Here is how to read input as an integer: number = int(input("Enter a number:")) print(number) Pretty simple, right? All...
Iterating over a list of objects in Python to access and change them is a common thing to do while coding. This specific situation occurs when you try to remove items from a list while iterating over it. That way, you are effectively changing the length of the list while...
Working with Pandas DataFrames, you'll eventually face the situation where you need to find the maximum value for all of its columns or rows. Let's assume you already have a properly formatted DataFrame: import pandas as pd df_data = { "column1": [24, 9, 20, 24], "column2": [17,...
Array manipulation and element retrieval is a common task among any programming language, and luckily Python has some useful syntax for easily retrieving elements from various positions in the list. One common use case is to retrieve N elements from the end of a list/array, which we'll show how...
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