A stream represents a sequence of elements and supports different kinds of operations that lead to the desired result. The source of a stream is usually a Collection or an Array, from which data is streamed from. Streams differ from collections in several ways; most notably in that the streams...
Branko Ilic
David Landup
Checkboxes are one of the several types of input fields we use very commonly to allow users to interact with web pages and typically POST data to a backend, by checking any box that applies to a given situation. As opposed to Radio Buttons (which belong to Radio Groups) -...
The or operator is one of the three existing logical operators in Python (and, or, not), which perform a logical evaluation of the passed operands. In simple terms, when two operands are passed, it will decide whether the final value of the created logical expression is True or False. The...
Dimitrije Stamenic
While Java is primarily an Object Oriented Language, many concepts of Functional Programming have been incorporated into the language. Functional programming uses functions to create and compose programming logic, typically in a declarative manner (i.e. telling the program what's wanted and not how to do it). If you'd like...
Reham Muzzamil
Hiram Kamau
Graphs are an extremely versatile data structure. More so than most people realize! Graphs can be used to model practically anything, given their nature of modeling relationships and hierarchies. Nature and human creators are extremely hierarchical. Words in a sentence, and sentences in a book can be graphs - represented...
Olivera Popović
Flask is one of the most popular Python web development frameworks. It's a lightweight web framework, yet it offers a variety of built-in methods that can be used for hassle-free deployment of efficient web applications. In this guide, we will get the IP address of the user who visits the...
Mohammad Waseem
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