Sorting is one of the fundamental techniques used in solving problems, especially in those related to writing and implementing efficient algorithms. Usually, sorting is paired with searching - meaning we first sort elements in the given collection, then search for something within it, as it is generally easier to search...
Branko Ilic
The Portable Document Format (PDF) is not a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) format. It was developed to be platform-agnostic, independent of the underlying operating system and rendering engines. To achieve this, PDF was constructed to be interacted with via something more like a programming language, and...
Joris Schellekens
If you have worked with Spring Data JPA for any length of time - you're probably acquainted with derived query methods: @Repository public interface BookRepository extends MongoRepository<Book, String> { List<Book> findByAuthor(String name); } They are a nifty and quick way to offload the burden of...
David Landup
When working with any programming language, you'll probably need some functionality that is not integrated into that language natively. Thus, you'll either implement them yourself, or turn to using various modules or libraries. This directly affects the efficiency of your application (more memory usage, more HTTP requests, etc.). To avoid...
Lazar Ristic
The Java Streams API simplifies working with a collection of elements. Because streams turn these elements into a pipeline, you could test them using a set of conditions (known as predicates), before finally acting on those that meet your criteria. The filter() method is one such operation that tests the...
Hiram Kamau
Design patterns help make code understandable, scalable, and reusable. There are different categories of design patterns, depending on the problems being addressed. When code is modularized, it's easier to add newer features without making drastic changes to the project. The Abstract Factory Design Pattern is a creational pattern that provides...
Sathiya Sarathi Gunasekaran
REST APIs are an industry-standard way for web services to send and receive data. They use HTTP request methods to facilitate the request-response cycle and typically transfer data using JSON, and more rarely - HTML, XML and other formats. In this guide, we will create a REST API in Python...
Naazneen Jatu
Graphs are one of the most useful data structures. They can be used to model practically everything - object relations and networks being the most common ones. An image can be represented as a grid-like graph of pixels, and sentences can be represented as graphs of words. Graphs are used...
Mila Lukic
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