Every webpage today is updated without reloading the page to provide users with a smooth experience. Updating a page without reloading it is only possible with the use of JavaScript, as web browsers exclusively run JavaScript as a programming language. Similarly, uploading a file without reloading the page is achieved...
Guest Contributor
When working with Python, we often have to deal with data in the form of numbers or words. Sometimes, words and numbers are stored together, and our needs compel us to separate numbers from words. In this article, we'll explain how to define words and numbers in Python. Then, we'll...
Federico Trotta
In Python, it's often important to check whether a string is empty or None before performing operations on it. This can prevent unexpected errors and make your code more robust. But what is the most efficient and Pythonic way to do this? And what potential pitfalls should you watch out...
Dimitrije Stamenic
Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application runs successfully and performs its required tasks without any errors. Testing might seem like a waste of time to some developers, but it is important to test your application or components if you want to...
TextBlob is a package built on top of two other packages, one of them is called Natural Language Toolkit, known mainly in its abbreviated form as NLTK, and the other is Pattern. NLTK is a traditional package used for text processing or Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Pattern is built...
Cássia Sampaio
When I started learning Data Analysis a few years ago, the first thing I learned was SQL and Pandas. As a data analyst, it is crucial to have a strong foundation in working with SQL and Pandas. Both are powerful tools that help data analysts efficiently analyze and manipulate stored...
Among the plenty of string operations, splitting a string is a significant one, offering the capability to divide a large, composite text into smaller, manageable components. Typically, we use a single delimiter like a comma, space, or a special character for this purpose. But what if you need to split...
In programming, data often doesn't come in a neat, ready-to-use format. This is particularly true when we deal with strings, which often need to be cleaned, formatted, or manipulated in some way before they can be used effectively. One common issue we encounter is the presence of unwanted whitespaces -...
In today's digital world, there is a vast amount of text data created and transferred in the form of news, tweets, and social media posts. Can you imagine the time and effort needed to process them manually? Fortunately, Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques help us manipulate, analyze, and interpret text...
Shri Varsheni
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