A Java Map implementation is an collection that maps keys to values. Every Map Entry contains key/value pairs, and every key is associated with exactly one value. The keys are unique, so no duplicates are possible. A common implementation of the Map interface is a HashMap: Map<Integer,...
Ognjen Jankovic
Testing the system is an important phase in a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Testing promotes code reliability, robustness, and ensures high-quality software delivered to clients if implemented correctly. Testing has been given more importance ever since Test-Driven Development (TDD) has become a prominent process in developing software. Test-driven development...
Rayven Yor Esplanada
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create rhythms using the Rhythm class, how to use JFugue's built-in RhythmKit to conveniently create rhythm, and how to apply different rhythm instruments to our song. We will also cover how to save our music to a MIDI file using the JFugue,...
Ruslan Hasanov
In this guide, we will learn how to create and manipulate chords and chord progressions, how to use setKey(), distribute() and allChordsAs()methods of the ChordProgression class, and how to play different patterns simultaneously by using voices in JFugue. This is the second part of the three-part tutorial series, in...
JFugue is an open-source Music library that allows you to play and compose MIDI music using the Java programming language. It uses their "Staccato" format to parse strings of musical instructions. By using JFugue, you can convert the Staccato strings into a MIDI file, as well as import...
The JSON format is one of the most popular ways to serialize data. Knowing how to read and write it is an important skill for any programmer. There are a couple of Java libraries that can parse JSON, but in this tutorial, we'll focus on an open-source project developed by...
Selena Hocevar
When working with Strings in Java, we oftentimes need to encode them to a specific charset, such as UTF-8. UTF-8 represents a variable-width character encoding that uses between one and four eight-bit bytes to represent all valid Unicode code points. A code point can represent single characters, but also have...
Branko Ilic
In this guide, we'll be utilizing Netflix Eureka, a microservice discovery service to combine a Spring Boot microservice with a Flask microservice, bridging services written in totally different programming languages and frameworks. We'll be building two services - The End-User Service, which is a Spring Boot service oriented at the...
David Landup
The InputStream class is a high-level class representing any input byte stream in Java. Various subclasses further specify its usage, such as the BufferedInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, SequenceInputStream, etc. Needless to say, an InputStream can store any data and in some cases, they store String contents as a byte stream. In this...
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