These days, developers tend to store and transmit massive amounts of data using JSON, which could also include dates. In order to properly use them, these strings then need to be parsed as JS Date objects. But how do we go about doing that? That's exactly what we'll be exploring...
Scott Robinson
In this Byte we'll talk about rounding numbers, specifically to two decimal places. We'll look at why and how to do it, along with some of the quirks and features of JavaScript that make it interesting. Rounding in JavaScript JavaScript, like many other programming languages, provides tools to perform mathematical...
Time is woven into every part of our lives, both figuratively and literally. Because of this, we have to deal with it in programming often. It can take on many formats, one of the most common being HH:MM:SS. This Byte will help us firgure out how to compare...
If you've ever found yourself needing to standardize user input or prepare text data for analysis, then you may have needed to lowercase strings. While there is one widely used method, there are also other string manipulation methods that you should consider as well, which is what we'll cover in...
In this Byte we'll be replacing multiple types of characters in a string using JavaScript. We're going to explore the world of string manipulation, specifically focusing on how to replace one or more types of characters within a string. Strings in JavaScript In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of...
JavaScript, being one of the most popular programming languages, is often used to manipulate arrays and objects. This could involve locating an object by its ID within an array of objects. But why exactly do we need to do this, and how can we achieve it? In this Byte, we'll...
Today we're going to how you can sort keys/properties in JavaScript objects. This is a bit of a gray area in JS since object keys have no inherent order like array items do, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. JavaScript Objects In JavaScript, an object is an entity...
String manipulation is a fundamental part of coding, like duplicating or repeating strings/characters - a task that may seem trivial, but important for certain scenarios, whether it's formatting output to display to a user or saving certain types of data to a file. In this Byte, we'll see what...
JSON has become a popular data format for its simplicity and compatibility with many programming languages, including JavaScript. In this Byte, we'll learn how to easily import these files into your Node.js projects. Why Import JSON Files? So why import JSON into your code? Well, JSON files are often...
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