This guide is the third and final part of three guides about Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In this guide, we will keep working with the forged bank notes use case, have a quick recap about the general idea behind SVMs, understand what is the kernel trick, and implement different types...
Cássia Sampaio
This guide is the second part of three guides about Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In this guide, we will keep working on the forged bank notes use case, understand what SVM parameters are already being set by Scikit-Learn, what are C and Gamma hyperparameters, and how to tune them using...
This guide is the first part of three guides about Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In this series, we will work on a forged bank notes use case, learn about the simple SVM, then about SVM hyperparameters and, finally, learn a concept called the kernel trick and explore other types of...
Handling user-submitted phone numbers can be a challenging task for developers, especially considering the various formats and notations used around the world. Ensuring that these phone numbers are valid and properly formatted is crucial for any application that relies on accurate contact information. That's where Python and its powerful regular...
Dimitrije Stamenic
Random strings can be incredibly useful in various scenarios. You can use them to generate strong passwords, create unique identifiers, and even as valuable help in testing and validation. Python's built-in random and string modules make it a breeze to generate random strings that suit your specific needs. In this...
As developers, we often work with APIs or web services, and one common task is sending data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to a server. Fortunately, Python provides us with a powerful requests library, which makes HTTP requests a breeze, including sending JSON data. In this article, we'll go...
Django is a popular web framework used by developers to build high-performance web applications quickly and easily. However, if you are developing a web application that needs to handle time-sensitive data, you should try to make sure you are using the correct time zone. That ensures that date and time...
URLs are, no doubt, an important part of the Internet, as it allows us to access resources and navigate websites. If the Internet was one giant graph (which it is), URLs would be the edges. We parse URLs when we need to break down a URL into its components, such...
Scott Robinson
Whether you're working with financial data, scientific calculations, or any other type of data that requires precise decimal arithmetic, knowing how to round decimal numbers accurately can make all the difference. In Python, there are various methods for rounding digits, each with its unique pros and cons. In this article,...
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