In many programming languages, underscores are used to separate words, which is called snake case (i.e. snake_case). This is especially true in Python, which can use underscores to separate module names, function names, and variable names. You've probably encountered this format in other areas as well, like in...
Scott Robinson
Python is a very flexible language and allows you to add just about any type of data to a list, regardless of the data type of any of the other elements in the list. One common data type to add to a list is the float data type. In order...
It's a fairly common occurrence to append an item to the end of a list, but what if you need to add an item to the front of the list? There are a number of ways to achieve this in Python. Python lists have an insert() method, which allows you...
In Python, you can add integers to a list using a variety of methods, a few of which we'll take a look at here. One of the most common ways to add an integer to a list, let alone any other type of data, is to use the append() method....
Python has a built-in method, called range(start, stop), that allows you to easily create arrays whose values are integers, starting from start and ending before stop (exclusive). The following code creates a list of integers from 0 to 9: >>> range(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...
Transformers, even though released in 2017, have only started gaining significant traction in the last couple of years. With the proliferation of the technology through platforms like HuggingFace, NLP and Large Language Models (LLMs) have become more accessible than ever. Yet - even with all the hype around them and...
David Landup
There are several ways you can remove quotes from a string in Python. You may need to remove all quotes or just ones surrounding a string. You may also need to remove single or double quotes. In this short article, we've compiled a comprehensive list of methods you can use...
Dimitrije Stamenic
If you had studied longer, would your overall scores get any better? One way of answering this question is by having data on how long you studied for and what scores you got. We can then try to see if there is a pattern in that data, and if in...
Cássia Sampaio
Although it may not be a common thing to do in any real-world scenario, reversing strings is a pretty common operation you'll face in a job interview. Especially if you are applying for a job in a programming language that doesn't have built-in methods for reversing strings. By asking you...
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