Linear Search, also known as Sequential Search, operates by traversing through the dataset, element by element until the desired item is found or the algorithm reaches the end of the collection. Its simplicity and ease of implementation make it a go-to choice for small datasets and lists where items are...
Dimitrije Stamenic
When it comes to searching algorithms, we often think of the usual suspects like Binary Search or Linear Search. But what should we choose when we have a sorted, unbounded lists where the length is unknown or not easy to determine? Enter Exponential Search, a unique algorithm that doubles the...
Scott Robinson
Fibonacci Search is one of those interesting algorithms that shows us the beauty and elegance of computer science. Based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence, where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, the Fibonacci Search technique is a comparison-based search algorithm that applies this mathematical concept to...
Every single search algorithm consists of: The current state of the problem Possible actions that can be done in order to change that state The ability to recognize the final state - our goal When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, there are two types of search algorithms: Uninformed search algorithms...
Mila Lukic
Finding the right data we need is an age-old problem before computers. As developers, we create many search algorithms to retrieve data efficiently. Search algorithms can be divided into two broad categories: sequential and interval searches. Sequential searches check each element in a data structure. Interval searches check various points...
Sathiya Sarathi Gunasekaran
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