The K-nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a type of supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification, regression as well as outlier detection. It is extremely easy to implement in its most basic form but can perform fairly complex tasks. It is a lazy learning algorithm since it doesn't have a...
Cássia Sampaio
Object detection is a large field in computer vision, and one of the more important applications of computer vision "in the wild". On one end, it can be used to build autonomous systems that navigate agents through environments - be it robots performing tasks or self-driving cars, but...
David Landup
There are plenty of guides explaining how transformers work, and for building an intuition on a key element of them - token and position embedding. Positionally embedding tokens allowed transformers to represent non-rigid relationships between tokens (usually, words), which is much better at modeling our context-driven speech in language modeling....
In a URL, query string values often provide information about the request, like parameters for a search or the ID of an object you're using. If any of the business or request logic is handled in the frontend, it's important to know how to retrieve the query string values from...
Scott Robinson
Mistakes are common, we all make them. That's why they put erasers on pencils. And this is no different with tools like Git. While some changes can be difficult to undo, there is usually a way. So what if you want to modify an existing commit message? Luckily this is...
Missing values are common and occur either due to human error, instrument error, processing from another team, or otherwise just a lack of data for a certain observation. In this Byte, we'll take a look at how to fill NaNs in a DataFrame, if you choose to handle NaNs by...
When working with APIs we oftentimes want to send data to the server for processing. For example, if we have a list of to-dos and want to add to it, perhaps through a form submission, we use POST HTTP requests to send a request with a payload for processing and...
Joel Olawanle
As pointed out in a previous article that deals with reading data from files, file handling is essential knowledge of every professional and hobbyist Python programmer. This feature is a core part of the Python language, and no extra module needs to be loaded to do it properly. In this...
Frank Hofmann
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